Sbornik I. [In Russian]. St. Petersburg. (2), 98 SS. Halbleinenband der Zeit, die bedruckte Originalbroschur mitgebunden. 8vo.
$ 13,005 / 12.500 €
The first issue of the socialist "Otkliki" from the possession of Leo Trotsky, who was to lead the Russian revolution to victory in 1917, with his pencilled signature on the front wrapper cover. - This present first issue, printed by the "Slovo" press, is much rarer than the following two and is unrecorded in library catalogues internationally. OCLC lists only the issues 2 and 3, published in 1907 (Indiana University; Pittsburgh University holds only no. 3); the Library of Congress also holds only the two following issues printed by I. A. Levenshtein.