Edward Teller

Teller, Edward

ungarisch-US-amerikanischer Physiker (1908-2003). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Unterschrift. ohne Ort und Datum. 130 : 180 mm.
$ 125 / 120 € (93781)

Brustbild von vorn. Er leistete wichtige Beiträge auf den verschiedensten Gebieten der Physik. Einer breiten Öffentlichkeit wurde er als „Vater der Wasserstoffbombe“ bekannt. Teller selbst lehnte diese Betitelung für seine Person ab.

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Teller, Edward

Hungarian-American physicist known as „the father of the hydrogen bomb.“. Typed letter signed. Livermore. 4to. 1 p. Printed letterhead „University of California, Livermore Radiation Laboratory“.
$ 3,655 / 3.500 € (94493)

To eminent American physicist Joaquin M. Luttinger (1923-1997): „As I wrote to Heinz Barschall, we are now going after your clearance with hammer and tongs. I think that you are quite right to want to get a definite clarification of this matter. In urging that the clearance question should be settled with all possible speed, I am of course using the argument that you are needed here in Livermore very badly. We hope that as soon as we have your clearance, we shall be able to make plans for an extended visit for you at Livermore and have your full cooperation here, at least for several months.

Of course, it would be by far best from our point of view if you could make up your mind, if you come, to work here full time and permanently [the previous two words added in holograph] and I should not be at all suprised if you would find it sufficiently interesting so that you would want to do that. It is necessary, however, that you should make up your mind about that until after you have got here and had a chance to get acquainted with our work, which would take a period perhaps such as three months or a full summer. When I talked with you on the phone I believe that I mentioned to you that we are trying to maintain good liaison with Berkeley and that the theorists working here are encouraged to spend their time to some extent with work of the Radiation Laboratory in Berkely. I would definitely urge that with anybody who is staying here altogether. I think that until you have been here a short time you should have very definitely in mind, wo concentrate on the new things here just to get in the swing of things. According to the best of my memory, I have never met you. However, I have heard so many nice things that I am quite eager to meet you and have a chance to work with you […]“.

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