Hermann (Chaim Aharon ben David) Struck

Struck, Hermann (Chaim Aharon ben David)

painter and graphic artist (1876-1944). Autograph quotation signed. Berlin. 16.06.1913. Oblong 8vo (postcard). 1 page.
$ 309 / 300 € (84727/BN55235)

Inscribed to the German dermatologist Alwin Scharlau: "Schwarz oder weiss, | Nur nit grau! | Kalt oder heiss, | Nur nit lau! (Dehmel) [...]". - Best known for his etchings and lithographs, Struck portrayed prominent contemporaries like Henrik Ibsen, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein and Theodor Herzl, produced an influential textbook entitled "Die Kunst des Radierens" in 1904, which is considered a standard work to this day, and was a fervent Zionist and Jewish activist. - Some small ink spots. Self-addressed by the collector on the reverse. The Mecklenburg physician Scharlau (b. 1888) assembled a collection of artists' autographs by personal application.

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