Robert Louis Stevenson

Stevenson, Robert Louis

schottischer Schriftsteller des viktorianischen Zeitalters (1850-1894). Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. Vailima Samoa. 8vo. 1 p.
$ 5,129 / 4.800 € (81779)

Aus seinem Todesjahr an den schottischen Schriftsteller Samuel Rutherford Crockett (1859-1914): „Dear Mr. Crockett Do not bother yourself any more about the matter. It is of no moment one way or the other. On the subject of the Cameronians [followers of Covenanter Richard Cameronl I had no idea you were so far advanced and can only wish you well out of that difficult business which you may be sure I do sincerely. I fear you misunderstand nry attitude about these ticklish gentry. I have but linle use for them except in so far as they were sincere and are picturesque.

Excuse this very brief note, as we are in the midst of war here and I am leaving tomorrow for the front. Yours truly R. L. Stevenson“..

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