Anne Staël-Holstein

French woman of letters, 1766-1817

Madame de Staël was a French woman of letters of Swiss origin whose lifetime overlapped with the events of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era. She was one of Napoleon’s principal opponents. Celebrated for her conversational eloquence, she participated actively in the political and intellectual life of her times, and was acquainted or companioned with some of the greatest personalities of her time, like Lord Byron, Chateaubriand, Goethe or Schiller. Her works both critical and fictional, made their mark on the history of European Romanticism.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

Schriftstellerin und Philosophin (1766–1817). Autograph letter signed („A Necker de Stael Holstein“). O. O. u. D. 1 S. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo. Mit eh. Adresse (Faltbrief).
$ 1,339 / 1.250 € (24836)

Letter of thanks to Reverend Bowles: „Thousand thanks for your kindness, my dear sir, If I hear an anthem I’ll pray for you, poetry and religion are reunited in you, as they must be always [...]“. – Partial second integral page bears an address panel in another hand. In very good condition, with horizontal folds, scattered creases, missing top of second integral page, and moderate toning.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

Schriftstellerin und Philosophin (1766-1817). 4 (2 autogr.) documents signed (mostly "Necker Staël de Holstein"). Charenton, Coppet u. o. O. Zusammen (1+1+1+1 =) 4 SS. auf 5 Bll. (Qu.-)8vo.
$ 1,607 / 1.500 € (32071/BN22615)

Payment instructions for her notary, Fourcault de Pavant, confirmed by the recipients. - The one dating from 17. II. 1809 with address and papered seal.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

romancière et essayiste française (1766-1817). Autograph letter signed ("Staël"). Paris. 1 page in-8.
$ 2,679 / 2.500 € (48969/BN33127)

To an unnamed addressee, concerning a woodcut of her that has caused some trouble.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

romancière et essayiste française (1766-1817). Autograph letter. S. l. n. d. 2/3 de page in-8, sur vergé, avec adresse.
$ 3,000 / 2.800 € (48970/BN33128)

To Adrien de Lezay Marnésia, an intimate friend of her, inviting him to dine with her.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

Schriftstellerin und Philosophin (1766-1817). Eigenh. Brief. St. Petersburg. 1 S. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo. Mit eh. Adresse verso.
$ 1,286 / 1.200 € (938253/BN938253)

An den deutschen Arzt Dr. Renner, der sie nach Russland begleitet und ihr die dortigen Mühen erleichtert hatte, über ihre bevorstehende Abreise nach Schweden, wo sie den Winter verbringen werde, in der Hoffnung, seine Geschäfte würden ihn einmal dorthin führen, mit Grüßen an ihren gemeinsamen Freund Monsieur de Villez sowie mit dem Ausdruck der Ungewissheit bezüglich ihrer Rückkehr: "Je ne veux pas sortir de la russie, mon cher Docteur, sans me rappeller au souvenir de celui avec lequel j'y suis entrée et qui m'en a tant adouci les peines je vais passer l'hyver en suède [!] et c'est à Stockholm à présent qu'il faut m'écrire je voudrais bien que vos affaires vous y attirassent pendant ce tems car je ne cesserai jamais de vous être attachée.

Dites à Mr. de Villez qu'il m'a pris l'ame et que je l'ai regretté au bout de quatre jours comme si vous étiez d'anciers amis - adieu adieu [...] quand reviendrai-je? [...]". - Staël brach im Mai 1812 zu einer Reise auf, die sie offenbar als Propagandamission gegen Napoleon verstand, der gerade auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht angelangt war. Sie gelangte über Österreich nach Russland, das während ihres Aufenthalts von Napoleonischen Truppen überfallen wurde. Als Mitteleuropa sich daraufhin in einen Kriegsschauplatz verwandelte, ging sie ins neutrale Schweden, in dessen Armee ihr Sohn Albert Offizier geworden war. Hier verbrachte sie als Gast des Kronprinzen Karl Johann den Winter und versuchte, gegen Napoleon Stimmung zu machen. - Mit kleinen Ausrissen im Gegenblatt durch Siegelbruch..

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

French author and philosopher (1766-1817). Autograph letter. Frankfurt. 26.11.1803. 8vo. 3 pp.
$ 4,286 / 4.000 € (59728/BN44240)

In French, to an unnamed friend: "It's been two weeks, my dear friend, since I last got a line from you, although I need your friendship more than I ever did before. My daughter has had a fever for a week, and here I am, among strangers, surrounded by German doctors in an inn, and well, I feel quite miserable. Thank God, she hasn't been in danger so far; if she were, I couldn't survive it. I wrote to you from Metz when I left, and from here too, to offer you my [apartment]. How is it that I didn't get at least a note from you? You know quite well that all I know about life, I have learned from you and it's all the more true now that I live abroad.

Have you seen Villers? Tell him that one must be mad to live anywhere else than in France when one is French. The Germans are quite kind to me, though, and I already have a chest full of poems and notes. I have been writing down some of my reflections about all that, which might be of interest if ever see my friends again, since nothing will ever make me publish one line for any other public than the French. Please do write to me; consider that if you spent five minutes at it every night, the result would be a week of relief for me. But I have never been able to give you an idea of how much your letters please me; you would not be so sparing with them if you knew. Kindly remember me to all those who care for me". - Madame de Staël wrote this letter at the beginning of her exile. Her duel with Napoleon, stemming from her recalcitrance to his influence, had led to his orders that she was not to reside within forty leagues of Paris. This occurred in the fall of 1803. After considerable delay she decided to go to Germany. She travelled in the company of Benjamin Constant, by Metz and Frankfurt to Weimar, arriving there in December. She stayed in Weimar during the winter, and then went on to Berlin..

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

French author and philosopher (1766-1817). Autograph letter signed. Rome. 3 pp. 8vo.
$ 4,821 / 4.500 € (59729/BN44241)

To an unnamed correspondent; address panel on verso of third page: "I have been deeply touched, dear Sir, by the feeling which inspired your article and I can say, without being influenced by my gratitude toward you, that there are some words in it that are remarkable not only for the elevation of thought, but I may add also for the soundness of judgment they indicate when you talk about my father. If you still read Le publiciste you must have seen in it a really touching letter. I may say that all that reaches me from Paris is in harmony with what I have been longing for.

In the note on opposite natures, there is a line you wrote which I find extremely witty and true at the same time: there is no doubt that the big difference that exists between some souls, whose cause is unknown from us, makes it impossible for certain persons to understand each other ever and I think I would understand more easily the expression in the eye of some Persian than what some people say, even though they speak French. Thank you very much for giving me the hope that we will see each other in Milan. Your kindness to me makes you feel more attached to me: this is the sure sign of a generous nature. It is in six weeks probably that I will have the pleasure of seeing you again. I have enjoyed the arts and nature in the South of Italy, but my most tender affections were born when I first got to Milan, and returning there gives me a renewed pleasure, since you have shown me so clearly that my friends there have not forgotten me"..

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

French author and philosopher (1766-1817). Autograph letter signed. N. p. o. d. 8vo. 1 p.
$ 3,000 / 2.800 € (59730/BN44242)

In French, to an unidentified lady. Staël sends a poem and asking the recipient to send it on immediately to Madame Lucke. In closing, she confirms that they will meet that evening. - Mounting remnants on verso of integral blank.

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Staël-Holstein, Anne

French author and philosopher (1766-1817). Autograph letter signed. N. p. o. d. 8vo. 1 p.
$ 2,357 / 2.200 € (59731/BN44243)

In French, to Monsieur Beurgoin, inviting him to call on her, and giving notice that she will call on him and his wife when she is in Paris for a few days before returning to Coppet. - Mounting remnant on verso of integral blank.

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