Charlotte Sainton-Dolby

Sainton-Dolby, Charlotte

English contralto, voice instructor, and composer (1821-1885). Printed letter signed. 5, Upper Wimpole Street [London]. 10.04.1862. 8vo. 1 page on bifolium.
$ 265 / 250 € (82374/BN53373)

Appeal for the financial support of Mrs. Proctor: "Sir, I venture to lay before you a statement of the case of Mrs. Proctor, grand-daughter of that Dr. Boyce [i. e. the composer and organist William Boyce, ca. 1711-79] to whose genius the Church of England owes so much of its beautiful music, and which is at the present day so highly prized, and so frequently performed in all our Cathedrals. Mrs. Proctor is 73 years of age, and is not only suffering from ill health, but also from the total absence of the means of procuring those comforts so necessary to a person at her time of life.

May I ask you to add a trifle to the Subscription I am endeavouring to collect for the purpose of buying an annuity for Mrs. Proctor, that for the remainder of her life she may not have to struggle with such great poverty [...]". - Small marginal tear, not touching text. Slightly browned. 2 strips of old mounting tape on verso..

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Sainton-Dolby, Charlotte

English contralto, voice instructor, and composer (1821-1885). Autograph letter signed. 2 Arnside Street [London]. 8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium.
$ 688 / 650 € (82378/BN53377)

To the composer and piano virtuoso Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870) about the translation of his vocal music, as well as the late delivery of a parcel: "I delayed writing to you, as I have been expecting the pleasure of seeing you once again previous to your departure, now however I must write to say, that I have been disappointed in the parcel I hoped to have had in time to commit to your kind care, so that now I have nothing to trouble you with. I hope you will leave the 'Vöglein' [possibly the 1849 song 'Botschaft.

Vöglein wohin so schnell?', op. 117 no. 4] in this country. I saw Mr. Oliphant [i.e. the lyricist Thomas Oliphant, 1799-1873] one day last week and mentioned the subject of the translation of your songs. It appears he only writes for certain houses of which Cramer's & Addison's are the principal. If your songs are published at either one or other of those houses he will be happy to do them [...] Pray remember me most kindly to Mme. Moscheles and to all my kind Leipsic friends on your return [...]". - With small marginal flaws, slightly affecting 4 letters. Two small strips of old mounting tape on verso..

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