Etienne Pierre Sylvestre Ricard

Ricard, Etienne Pierre Sylvestre

French general (1771-1843). Printed military leave document signed. Paris. Oblong folio. 1 page and three lines. Engraved form with manuscript entries and additional signatures.
$ 125 / 120 € (91709/BN61031)

Issued some three months after the end of the War of the Sixth Coalition and Napoleon's abdication, for the nineteen-year-old Louis Justin F. Didelle, giving a physical description of the infantryman: "Nous soussignés, Membres du Conseil d'Administration du 15e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère. Certifions avoir donné Congé au Nommé Ridelle Louis Justin François Chasseur [...] Département de Seine & Marne âgé de Dix-neuf ans [...] compris au Registre-Matricule du Corps sous le No. 5453 [...]".

Further signed by members of the directorate and stamped "Dépôt du 15e Régiment d'infanterie légère". The verso has three lines in an early hand noting the award of a military decoration by King Louis XVIII in July 1814. - In 1814 Ricard led a VI Corps division at La Rothière, Champaubert, Montmirail, Vauchamps, Gué-à-Tresmes, Laon, Reims, Fère-Champenoise and Paris. The following year he would participate in the Congress of Vienna to convince the Allies that France's army was loyal to Louis XVIII. - Slight waterstaining to the fold, slight foxing, marginal defects and tears along the folds, slightly browned..

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