Walther Rathenau

German politician and writer, 1867-1922

Walther Rathenau was a German industrialist, writer and liberal politician. During the First World War, he was involved in the organization of the German war economy. After the war, Rathenau served as German Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. Rathenau initiated the Treaty of Rapallo, which removed major obstacles to trading with Soviet Russia. Although Russia was already aiding Germany's secret rearmament programme, right-wing nationalist groups branded Rathenau a revolutionary, when he was in fact a moderate liberal who openly condemned Soviet methods. Two months after signing the treaty, he was assassinated in Berlin by the right-wing terrorist group Organisation Consul.

Source: Wikipedia

Rathenau, Walther

Industrieller und Politiker; Reichsaußenminister (1867-1922). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. Unterschrift. Berlin. 4to. 1 p. Mit gedrucktem Briefkopf „Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft / Präsidium“. Minimale Läsuren. Kleiner Sammlerstempel am Kopf.
$ 981 / 950 € (87994)

Wohl an den Karlsruher Amtmann Alexander Schaible, der im Ersten Weltkrieg in der Zivilverwaltung in Flandern tätig gewesen war. „[…] Es wird mir eine Freude sein, Sie vor Ihrer Abreise noch zu sehen. Wäre es Ihnen möglich, an irgend einem Abend, den Sie bestimmen wollen, bei mir im Grunewald, Königsallee 65, zu Abend zu speisen? […]“

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Rathenau, Walther

Staatsmann (1867-1922). Autograph letter signed. Berlin. 03.04.1914. 2 SS. auf Doppelblatt. Gr.-8vo.
$ 3,613 / 3.500 € (60874/BN44723)

To the German economist and social scientist Eduard Heimann, thanking for giving him some biobliographical details. - On stationery with printed letterhead of the "Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft".

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