Ottavio Piccolomini

Imperial general, 1599-1656

"Ottavio Piccolomini was an Italian nobleman whose military career included service as a Spanish general and then as a field marshal of the Holy Roman Empire. In the Thirty Years’ War he served under Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland. Piccolomini disapproved of Wallenstein’s policy and joined in the military conspiracy to oust the Duke. The conspiracy developed into a plot to assassinate Wallenstein, who was killed on 25 February 1634 at Cheb Castle. Piccolomini's reward was the estate of Náchod in the Orlické mountains in East Bohemia. Piccolomini's part in the assassination was set out in fictionalised form in Friedrich Schiller's play, ""Wallenstein""."

Source: Wikipedia


Piccolomini, Ottavio

Brief mit eigenh. U.
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To the police constable Lutter von Benninghausen in „Gortzenich“ („Cito“). Slightly dusted and traces of gnawing. Small section clipped from fol. 2 (not touching text). With an engraved portrait (111:71 mm).

Piccolomini, Ottavio

Eigenh. Brief mit U. („Htz: [?] di Amalfi“).
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To his secretary Peconi at Nachod Castle, asking which troops of mercaneries were placed in his reign and discussing financial issues. He wants Peconi to pay a capital of 10.000 gulden to Vienna: „Sto attendo da sentire che caricha la mià sigria abia auto nella distribuzione de quartieri, uolendo evedere non aueva auto dauantagio quello si tocha e vi sarete uoluito de favori delli generali come di gia auisato, et si deve usare oggni diligensia per conseruare li suditi, si come di già uo auisato per mio anticedenti. Voria uedere pagato li m/10 fiorini al malo lo auio li tenersi non mi mancha sino dauantagio, e di nouo vi commetto procurate effectuare quanto disidero premendo molto [...] Auisatimi che Colonello sia allogiato e con che troppe nella mia segria e cosa si da per lalogio [...] Ricevo la vostra e sento le diligenzie fate per la sadisfarione, al malo poterete rimetterle a Vienna si dara vi come uoi mi auisate per non perdere tanto [...]“. – After the assassination of Wallenstein and Terzky (1634), Ferdinand II. rewarded Piccolomini with the possessions of Nachod. – Slightly waterstained; note of receipt on verso-page of the second leaf. – Very rare.