French novelist and poet (1822-1861).] 3 printed portraits. N. p. o. d. Small 8vo (108 x 154 mm, 92 x 146 mm, 92 x 144 mm). One etching and one lithograph on cardboard. One lithograph on paper.
$ 471 / 450 €
Two engravings, one signed by the Parisian publisher "J. Bestault", the other an undated but probably posthumous print by Gustave Staal (1817-82) showing Murger within an allegorical frame alluding to his most important works, including "Scènes de la vie de bohème". Both appear to be based on Eugène-Louis Piridon's half-profile lithograph, which is included in a cropped copy. - All with traces of former mounting on the reverse.