Henry Miller

Miller, Henry

Schriftsteller (1891-1980). 2 eigenh. Briefe mit Unterschrift und 3 eigenh. Postkarten mit Unterschrift. Big Sur, Korinth und New York. 4to. 2 pp. Quer-8vo. 3 pp.
$ 2,279 / 2.200 € (81734)

An Théophile Briant und Conrad Moricand in versch. Angelegenheiten. Korinth. 24 December [1939]. Über seinen Aufenthalt in Griechenland: „J’avais de la veine d’être invité par les Durrells.“; Er vermeldet Schnee in Tripolis: „Chemin merveilleux. Chez les Cyclopéens […]“ [New York]. 1. April 1940: „Pas assez dit dans ma lettre de ce même jour de l’exactitude merveilleuse de votre image potentielle de Katsimbalis que je prétends de connaître au fond […]“ 27. Dezember o.J.

Von seinem Aufenthalt in London, wo er von seinem Verleger eingeladen wurde: „Je trouve Londres magnifique cette fois-ci – doux, charmant, sympathique – surtout les gens. La vraie politesse […]“ Big Sur 2. August 1955. An Théophil Briant während seiner Arbeit an seinem nächsten Buch an den bretonischen Dichter Théophile Briant: „[…] Il y aura un longue chapitre sur Conrad Moricand – au fait, je l’ai moitié achevé déjà mais je ne trouve pas l’heure, date et lieu de naissance de Moricand. Pouvez-vous me les donner? […]“ 29. September 1955. An Théophil Briant nach Beendigung eines Kapitels über Moricand: „[…] Je ne crois pas que tout ce que je dis à propos Moricand vous plaira. J’ai essayé d’être juste. N’oubliez pas que chacun se montre un côté différent à l’autre. Ils se sont passées des choses presque incroyables – entre nous deux. Le bon et le mauvais. Parfois, il me semble que le portrait que j’ai donné est Goyesque […]“.

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Miller, Henry

Schriftsteller (1891-1980). Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. Big Sur. 4to. 1 p.
$ 829 / 800 € (81735)

An Mr. Lyons: „Regarding the enclosed, can you tell me if Holmes ,Black Book’ list is going to be published? In a look I just finished - a book about books - I am listing in the ,appendix’ all the books I can recall ever reading. Some job! So far as I know no writer has ever published a list of this kind. Hence my interest in your statement abou tthe late Justice Holmes - one of my favorite American figures. (a great man!) Recently you mentioned the publication, in French only, of my book ,Plexus’. A bit premature, no? I am just revising the script of this book, preparatory to sending it to my French publisher. You must have double vision. […]“

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Miller, Henry

Schriftsteller (1891-1980). Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. Pacific Palisades. 4to. 1 p.
$ 1,243 / 1.200 € (81736)

An Max Dickmann in Argentinien in Publikationsfragen: „My friend, William G. Webb, of the Alhambra Press (the publisher) is in Europe at present but should be back before the end of November. […] Usually, for foreign publications of the book he arranges to send the clichés (four color process) or has them done here for the foreign publisher. You had better consult him about this. I’m glad to hear that Nexus will be out so soon! And I hope you will find an editior to publish Marianne Ruuth’s text - with photos. […]“

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Miller, Henry

Schriftsteller (1891-1980). Große Porträtfotographie (Carl van Vechten) mit eigenh. Widmung und Unterschrift. Ohne Ort (Pacific Palisades, CA), Dezember 1977. 255 : 205 mm.
$ 1,554 / 1.500 € (83754)

„For Klaus W. Jonas | Henry Miller | 12/77“. - Rückseitig Stempel: „[...] For reference use only. Reproduced from the original in The Yale University Library [...]“.

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Miller, Henry

American novelist (1891-1980). Autograph letter signed. Big Sur. 4to. 1 p. In French.
$ 829 / 800 € (88691/BN58584)

Interesting letter that originally accompanied Miller's manuscript of his preface for Kikou Yamata's 1960 publication "Deux Amours Cruelles", a translation of two Japanese novels by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki, and was probably addressed to her publisher at Librairie Stock: "Here are the requested pages. Let us hope they are acceptable! Tell Kikou Yamata that I am delighted to do this little favour for her and all my Japanese friends. I have not yet decided where to go the next few weeks - either Japan or Europe.

But I will be gone by September" (transl.). In a short postcript, Miller accepts the suggested payment for his text. - The relationship between Henry Miller and Kikou Yamata goes back to at least 1956, when he sent her an enthusiastic congratulatory letter following the first English publication of "Three Geishas". The French preface for "Deux Amours Cruelles" was Miller's only contribution to a work by Yamata. - Stained by adhesive tape due to unprofessional repairs to a clipping, affecting the text and Miller's signature but without text loss. Some browning and very slight tears..

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Miller, Henry

American novelist (1891-1980). Autograph manuscript with autograph note monogrammed. No place. 4to. English manuscript in black felt-tip pen on paper. 10 pp. Together with two copies of a typescript with corrections.
$ 7,768 / 7.500 € (91327/BN60359)

An excerpt from Henry Miller's 1979 publication "Joey. A Loving Portrait of Alfred Perlès Together With Some Bizarre Episodes Relating to the Other Sex" for Irving Stettner's Stroker Magazine, where it appeared under the final title "Vienna and Back", rather than "Love and Sex", as suggested by Miller in the manuscript. In the autograph note in the margin of the first page, Miller explains to his secretary Sandy: "I cut this out of 'Joey' and sent it to Stettner for his 'Stroker'". - The short story tells of the meeting and Viennese love affair of a young American woman, Nelly, with a swindler called Albert, that is cut short because of Albert's pending trial and Nelly's romantic expectations, aware that her lover is only interested in her for sex.

The opening of the story foreshadows the end of the affair: "She was unquestionably a sexy bitch, one would say. And he, well he was like a guy without a pair of balls. An odd couple, truly. They had met on a trans-continental flight. Both were headed to the same place: Vienna". Nelly breaks up this odd couple within a week and returns to her native Shreveport in Louisiana without regrets, asserting: "I will always be thankful for the things you taught me. You were just wonderful in bed. But we don't spend our whole life in bed, do we?" Albert, on the other hand, is more affected than he could have imagined: "For the first time in his life Albert knew what is meant by the pangs of love". - Henry Miller and Irving Stettner (1922-2004) collaborated from 1978 to 1980. An edition of Miller's contributions to Stroker Magazine, including "Vienna and Back", appeared under the title "From Your Capricorn friend" in 1984, four years after Miller's death. - With old staple marks. Well preserved..

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Miller, Henry

American writer (1891-1980). 12 autograph letters signed „Henry Miller“ and „Henry“. Los Angeles and Pacific Palisades. 13 1/2 pp. 4to, 8vo, and 32mo. 11 envelopes. Some on printed letterhead.
$ 4,661 / 4.500 € (82067)

A warm collection of letters to Los Angeles artist and poet Cleopatra Usher; together with a printed ephemera regarding Miller exhibition, inscribed. Many with personal content. From November 12, 1974: “I got your magnificent letter the other day and was deeply moved. That’s Love with a capital L. Don’t drive him away by showing too much emotion and affection. Play it cool, if you can. What a great, great thing it is if one can feel so deeply. I congratulate you. You remind me a little of the little known woman writer (late 19th century) Marie Corelli.

Did you ever read her—‘The Master Christian’. ‘The Sorrows of Satan’, ‘Lilith’, and ‘The Vendetta?’” In addition: 3 letters signed by Miller’s secretary..

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Miller, Henry

Eigenh. Brief mit U.
Autograph ist nicht mehr verfügbar

Henry Miller (1891-1980), Schriftsteller. E. Brief mit U. Pacific Palisades, 6. Januar 1973. Qu.-8°. 1 Seite. Gedruckter Briefkopf. Mit eigenh. Umschlag. An den originellen Berliner Verleger und Galeristen Jes Petersen (1936-2006), damals Gehilfe des Malers Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern (1892-1982): "[...] I'm sorry I can't write anything for you about Sonnenstern. My memory of our meeting is too dim, too vague, alas! Besides, I am overwhelmed with work at this time. I don't have time to do my own creative work. I hope you will forgive me [...]" - Am Unterrand des Blattes das gedruckte Motto: "Cuando merda tiver valor pobre nasce sem cu.".