Georges Mathieu

Mathieu, Georges

French painter (1921-2012). Autograph letter signed. Marseille. 8vo. 2 pages.
$ 1,039 / 950 € (47100)

To thank the unnamed recipient for writing a preface to a catalogue for an exhibition of Mathieu's works in London and congratulating him on being made Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. Mathieu had originally enclosed a drawing in order to apologize for taking so much time to thank the recipient: "Je suis confus d'avoir tellement tardé à vous remercier pour la préface si intéressante que vous avez eu la gentillesse d'écrire lors de mon exposition à Londres. J’espère que ce dessin me fera pardonner. Nous avons été très heureux ma femme et moi d'apprendre votre nomination au grade de chevalier de la légion d'honneur. Nous aurons le plaisir de vous serrer la main bientôt".

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Mathieu, Georges

frz. Maler, Hauptvertreter des Tachismus' (1921-2012). 3 autograph pieces. Paris. 4to und 8vo. 3 pp.
$ 3,061 / 2.800 € (72426)

Comprises one autograph draft, dedicated and signed „GM“, one picture postcard („La Tour de Villebon, 1951“) with autogr. signature („Mathieu“), and one autograph letter signed („Georges Mathieu“).

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Mathieu, Georges

französischer Maler (1921-2012). 2 ms. Briefe mit eigenh. Unterschrift. Paris. 4to. 2 pp. Gestempelt. Gelocht.
$ 656 / 600 € (81204)

An Herrn Ade in München: „[…] Je viens d’appredre tout à fait par hasard qu’une toile de moi - et qui plus est m’appartenant personnellement - et exposée dans une exposition au ,Haus der Kuts“ que s’ouvre aujourd’hui. Permettez-moi de vous exprimer tout mon étonnement de ne pas avoir ni averti de cette exposition, ni invité au vernissage auquel je me serai volontiers rendu. J’ai le plus vif regret à ne pas avoir été consulté pour etre représenté das cette très prestigieuse manifestation que vous avez organisée.

[…]“ - Der zweite Brief: „J’ai été très étonné d’avoir été violemment attaqué dans le Sueddeutsche Zeitung du 10 avril, où seul mon livre semble avoir trouvé grace aux yeux de M. Frantz Vossen. J’ai pensé eu’il vous serait agréable de le lire et je vous l’envoie par ce meme courrier. […]“ Mathieu galt als einer der Hauptvertreter des Tachismus. Mathieus Bilder sind meist ungegenständliche, von der Schnelligkeit des Malvorgangs bestimmte Kompositionen. Die Entstehung seiner Bilder lehnt an der Methode der japanischen Kalligraphie an, die mit Meditation, Konzentration, Improvisation und Geschwindigkeit charakterisiert werden kann. Seinen Stil hat er nach dem ersten erfolgreichen Verkauf eines seiner Bilder nicht geändert. Der Kommerz spielte bei seiner Malerei, obwohl Tachismus eigentlich eine vom Betrachter unerhebliche Kunst war, wohl eine große Rolle. Mathieu inszenierte seine Malerei regelrecht, in dem er großformatige Bilder vor Publikum malte. Dem Entstehungsprozess des Kunstwerkes wird somit starke Bedeutung beigemessen. Er produzierte oft in hohem Tempo, seine Bilder entstanden oft in wenigen Minuten. Er war davon überzeugt, dass er nur so sein Innerstes unverfälscht zum Ausdruck bringen konnte. Im Jahr 1959 war Georges Mathieu Teilnehmer der documenta II in Kassel..

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Mathieu, Georges

französischer Maler (1921-2012). Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift. Paris. 4to. 1 p. Gedr. Vignette und gedr. Zusatz „Moult de Parte“ am Kopf.
$ 547 / 500 € (81733)

An Maguy Furhange die einen Artikel über ihn im Nice Matin veröffentlicht hatte: „Si vous êtes parfois parisienne j’aurai plaisir à vous connaître“.

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Mathieu, Georges

französischer Maler (1921-2012). Eigenh. Brief mit Unterschrift mit eigenh. Zeichnung von 2 roten Sternen. Paris. 4to. 3 pp.
$ 1,312 / 1.200 € (81817)

An eine Verehrerin bzw. Freundin Annette: „It is with great pleasure that I send you a little drawing. I hope that you will not ,embrace’ me, but kiss me. I kiss you too. May be another time of course I receive hundreds of request of the sort, and I will try to satisfy you. But first I would like to know why you claim to be an amirer of my work and where you may have seen some of my works. Furthermore if you happened to read some books about me and […] you will tell me about your life, your tastes and why you like my paintings so much.

Am I the only painter in your collection? You did not answer my questions on the postcards. Many thanks for the money but it was not necessary. Love Georges“..

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Mathieu, Georges

französischer Maler (1921-2012). Eigenh. Nachricht mit Unterschrift und einer kleinen eigenh. Zeichnung. o. O. u. D. 8vo. 1 p.
$ 547 / 500 € (81818)

„Pour Geraldine avec les voeux de Mathieu“.

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Mathieu, Georges

französischer Maler (1921-2012). 2 eigenh. Briefe mit Unterschrift. Paris. 4to. 5 pp. Briefkopf mit gedr. Vignette. 2 Kuverts.
$ 1,312 / 1.200 € (81824)

An Suzanne Gaspard-Huit: „[…] Quel privilège que la beauté et quel fascinant pouvoir lorsqu'Elle est liée à la grâce ! La surprenante et mystérieuse luminosité des messages divins qui ornent le portail central de la cathédrale de Reims, je l'ai retrouvée dans un souriant visage Mercredi soir en rentrant de l'Académie. Et depuis, j'en rêve […]“ Der 2. Brief auf einer gedr. Karte (quer-4to.). 1. Februar 1980]: „Miracle de la Communication, ces mots extraits d'un poème reçu de Belgique ce matin, et comme écrits par moi pour Vous“.

Nachfolgend zitiert der Künstler drei Verse aus einem Liebesgedicht: „reflète assez bien ce que j'ai cru lire un jour dans vos yeux entre deux rangées de voiture“. Neben seiner Unterschrift brachte der Künstler eine rotes Stück Filz an..

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Mathieu, Georges

French painter (1921-2012). Collection of 10 autograph letters signed ("Georges" or "Mathieu"), 2 autograph postcards signed, 1 typed letter with 2 handwritten lines signed, 2 autograph letters, and 3 autograph dedications. [Paris], Gstaad, and Saint-Tropez. Various formats. Altogether 50 pp. With four autograph envelopes. In French.
$ 7,106 / 6.500 € (86168/BN57120)

Correspondence with his art dealer and friend Raymond Nacenta (1899-1979), director of the Galerie Charpentier in Paris, concerning upcoming exhibitions, artistic projects, payments, and holidays (among other subjects). Mathieu’s style of writing is hyperbolic and bursts with enthusiasm, often matched by expressive calligraphy. In the longest letter in this collection, one of only two dated letters, Mathieu showers Nacenta with thanks and compliments: "The benefits of which I found myself the object by your care [...] are too great to be the external mark of my merit in spite of the very particular esteem that you seem to have made of my person [...] Happy; yes, you have made me happier than I can say [...] Your generosity is so much greater in intention than that of the Great Alexander that it can never be rewarded by the thanks I could give.

Ah, if I were allowed at least to grant you the diadem of the Persians or the praises of Homer! [...]” (25 April 1966). In a letter in red ink, dated to 24 June with no year, Mathieu describes his anticipation of a coming exhibition: "I am thus living my last days of calm before undertaking the greatest battles of my history. Bloody adventure, where it will please me to triumph with You". - In a letter that can be dated to 1971-72, Mathieu mentions to Nacenta that he had met President Pompidou and told him that "he will receive a charming medal". The letter closes with one of Mathieu's starkest hyperboles: "I curse the merchants who make me work in the cold of my icy workshop, and I curse the muses who seem to have abandoned me. In this season the cows would keep me warmer. What am I, alas, the little Jesus!". In 1972, a tin medal designed by Mathieu was issued to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Fifth Republic. Five years earlier, Mathieu had designed a bronze medal for the French railway company SNCF. On 20 Nov. 1967 Mathieu sent to Nacenta a zinc mould and some proofs necessary for casting the medal. In the accompanying letter, Mathieu states that he had talked to the general secretary of SNCF, Jules Antonini, and was ready to accept his payment in vouchers. - Mathieu was highly interested in French art and design of the 17th and 18th centuries. In the letters he mentions Charles LeBrun, Antoine Watteau, and the sculptors Philippe Caffieri and Pierre Lepautre who, for Mathieu, is "the incarnation of that so French measure which I flee from and which I need so much". In a postcard from Gstaad that is embellished with a beautiful calligraphic drawing in blue and red ballpoint, Mathieu exclaims: "Long live the masterpieces and artisanal rehabilitation", a motto that resonates with his art historical interests. A contemporary artist mentioned in the correspondence is Pierre-Yves Trémoin who "seems to be enchanted by the commission that you gave him". With respect to his own work, Mathieu reminds Nacenta: "You have forgotten that I was 'anti lithography of luxury numbered even for good works'" and therefore instead offered a gouache that "will not be multiplied". The two postcards are co-signed by a mutual friend named Solange, possibly the former actress and collector Solange Turenne. - All letters on Mathieu’s personal stationery with an embossed print of his design "Moult de Parte". This design reappears in three red seals on one of the envelopes. The brown ink and calligraphy of the address on this large cardboard envelope match the letter from 25 April 1966. Minor browning to the margins and occasional minor tears. Well preserved with traces of folds and some buckles..

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