Queen of Hungary and Bohemia and governor of the Habsburg Netherlands (1505-1558). Letter signed. Brussels. Folio (325 x 295 cm). French manuscript on paper. 1 p. Traces of folds; lacking seal.
$ 4,713 / 4.500 €
Letter by Mary of Hungary, sister of Emperors Charles V and Ferdinand, written as governor of the Low Countries to the prior of the Lier Charterhouse (Kartuize Sint Katharina op de Berg Sinai near Antwerp), demanding payment of 3000 guilders in the name of Charles V. At the time, France had joined sides with the German princely opposition against the Emperor; the sum is a part payment of various French friars' assets owned by the monastery but which martial law required to be seized for the ruler: "Religieuses personnes chers et bien amez, ayant entendu que vous avez en vos mains quelques deniers appertenans a aucuns de vostre.
Religion Residens en france, Lesquelz par droict de guerre apertiennent a lempereur mon seigneur, Nous vous Requerons et de par sa ma[jes]te ordonnons, que vous vous trouvez Icy apportant avec vous les comptes et deniers procedant du Revenu des biens apertenans auscy [...]". - Addressed on verso to "Religieuses personnes, nos chers et bien amez frers (?) prieur et procurateur des chartreux a lyere". A few cracks in the paper from intersecting folds, but altogether well preserved..