Samuel Langhorne) Mark Twain (d. i. Clemens

Mark Twain (d. i. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne)

amerikanischer Schriftsteller (1835-1910). Autograph notes in pencil. Wien. 1 S. Qu.-8vo. In Bleistift.
$ 3,595 / 3.500 € (91541/BN60854)

Draft for a Viennese lecture programme: "The Lucerne Girl - 18 minutes / The Mexican Plug - 10 [minutes] / Encounter with an Interviewer - 12 [minutes] / [Altogether:] 40 minutes". - From October 1898 until May 1899 the Clemens family lived in Vienna, where his the writer's daughters Clara and Jean received piano lessons from Theodor Leschetitzky. After eight months at the Hotel Métropole they moved to nearby Kaltenleutgeben in May 1898, where his wife Olivia and Jean took a cold-water cure at the balneological sanitarium of Wilhelm Winternitz.

Clemens himself attended the marksmen's parade (26 June 1898) and the funeral procession of Empress Elisabeth (17 September 1898) in Vienna, lodging at Hotel Krantz (later the Ambassador). This is where the unidentified collector must have approached the great humorist for a scrap of paper in his hand, at the foot of which is the annotation (in German): "From Marc Twain. 24 Feb. 99. Hotel Krantz"..

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Mark Twain (d. i. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne)

Schriftsteller (1835-1910). Autograph letter signed ("S. L. Clemens"). Elmira, New York. 8vo. 1 S.
$ 3,595 / 3.500 € (95529/BN63091)

To the stenographer Miss Mary H. Beale, the Clemenses' neighbour in Hartford, Connecticut, who had applied for a position with the famous author: "In answer to yours of the 5th, I have to reply that my correspondence is not voluminous enough to make a short-hand amanuensis necessary, & in my other work I am obliged to use the pen myself". - On lined stationery with printed letterhead of the McIntyre Coal Company, founded by Mark Twain's father-in-law Jervis Langdon.

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Mark Twain (d. i. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne)

amerikanischer Schriftsteller (1835-1910). Eigenh. Briefkärtchen mit U. O. O. u. D. 1 S. Größeres Visitkartenformat.
$ 1,849 / 1.800 € (92672/BN61971)

"I comply, with great pleasure [...]". - Eine stärkere Knickfalte am unteren Rand. Gut erhalten.

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