Erzherzogin von Österreich (1868-1924)]. "Erzherzogin Marie Valerie Wiener Frauenheim". Memorial album for the 25th anniversary of Vienna's women's shelter. Wohl Wien. 19 Bll. starker dunkler Karton. Brauner Kalbslederband der Zeit mit Eckbeschlägen aus Messing und Goldschnitt. Folio.
$ 9,871 / 9.500 €
The splendid album celebrating the 25th anniversary of the women's shelter and retirement home, which was established in 1883 and rebuilt in 1906/07 after plans by Karl Holzer. It begins with a portrait photograph of Archduchess Marie Valerie, who functioned as the institution's patron in 1903. The portrait is followed by a history of the building on ff. 2-5. Seven pen-and-ink drawings on ff. 6-12 show an exterior view, the hall, parlour with hall, dining hall, bedroom, kitchen and garden front, while ff.
13-19 show seven photographs of the main front, dining hall, parlour, hall with staircase, kitchen, chancery and the old building existing until 1906/07. - The album describes the history of the women's home, tracing its existence back to 1881, when several Viennese women joined to found an association aiming at providing single elderly, poor but educated women with affordable flats and meals in a Viennese home for women. - Located near Schönbrunn, the shelter in the Frauenheimgasse today is operated by the Catholic relief and social service organisation Caritas. - Lacks the clasp. Binding slightly rubbed and a little cracked near the upper joint. Flyleaves somewhat waterstained, cardboard leaves rubbed at the edges..