John F. Kennedy

Kennedy, John F.

US-Präsident (1917-1963). Maschinenschriftlicher Brief mit eigenhändigem Zusatz und Unterschrift „John“. ohne Ort. 4to. 1 p. Faltspuren. Gedruckter Briefkopf „United States Senate“. Leicht gebräunt.
$ 3,826 / 3.500 € (83546)

An Richard S. Kelley: „[…] Earier in this session of Congress, I introduce in the Senate a Resolution calling for a Free Plebiscite to be held in the Territory of Trieste. Because of the natural interest of the people of Italian extraction in this Resolution, together with a statement I made at the time, to all of the Italian organizations throughout the States. I have since found that apparently there is no one source which has a complete, up-to-date State list of Italian organizations. Consequently, I am writing to you at this time in the hope that you would find it possible to collect such a list of Italian organizations in your area, including the names and addresses of their directing officials.

I could either send several hundred copies of the speech to each group - or I could send them to you and you might perhaps give them to the proper officials in the Club for distribution in your community. […]“ - Beiliegend die Antwort von Kelley als Durchschlag..

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Kennedy, John F.

US-Präsident (1917-1963). Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift „Jack“. Washington, D.C. 4to. 2 pp. Gedruckter Briefkopf. „John F. Kennedy | Massachusetts | United States Senate“. Mit eigenhändig adressiertem Kuvert. Leichte Randläsuren.
$ 8,199 / 7.500 € (83548)

An Dick [d.i. Richard S. Kelley]: „Dear Dick, Many many thanks for your very kind note. It was very nice of you and Barb to come and we both enjoyed seeing you. I hope when I am moving around somewhat easier later in the fall that we will see you both. Best Jack“

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Kennedy, John F.

US-Präsident (1917-1963). 2 maschinenschriftliche Briefe mit Unterschrift „John Kennedy“ und „John“. o. O. 4to. 2 pp. Gedr. Briefkopf „United States Senate“. 1 Br. tlw. gebräunt.
$ 6,013 / 5.500 € (83549)

Beide Schreiben an Thomas Quinn in Massachusetts über Benzin-Preise: „I am attaching a letter received from the Chairman of the Senate Interior Committee regarding petroleum pricing practices. […]“ - Der zweite Brief von 1957 auf eine Anfrage von Quinn vom 29.1. (die ebenfalls vorliegt): „I share your deep concern about gasoline and fuel oil situation in New England and the apparent manipulation of prices. Frankly, I do not know at the moment what can be done about it, but I can assure you that I am following the matter very closely here and looking into it independently of the committee investigations which are now going on.

Further, this question will be discussed as a priority matter of the first meeting of the New England Senators’ Conference to be held next week. […]“ Eigenhändig fügt Kennedy hinzu: „As you know several Senate Committees are looking into S.“ - Beiliegt: Anfrage von Quinn an Kennedy vom 29.1.1957..

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Kennedy, John F.

35th President of the United States (1917-1963). Letter signed ("John Kennedy"). Washington, DC. 4to. 1 p. White House stationery.
$ 10,385 / 9.500 € (48378/BN30819)

As President, to Harry I. Johnson of the Clearwater Sun, thanking him for his coverage of the Inaugural address, with a holograph postscript: "Many, many thanks": "I certainly appreciate the manner in which you covered the Inaugural address. It was very thoughtful of you to send me your Inaugural Day edition". - Stains at all edges from prior mounting, horizontal fold.

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Kennedy, John F.

US-Präsident (1917-1963). 2 maschinenschriftliche Briefe mit Unterschrift „John“ und „John Kennedy“. ohne Ort. 4to. 2 pp. Gedr. Briefkopf „United States Senate“. Leicht gebräunt. Faltspuren. 1 Brief mit alter Heftklammer.
$ 3,826 / 3.500 € (83443)

Beide Schreiben an Richard S. Kelley: „This will acknowledge your letter of March 17 in further regard to Dr. William F. Rosselli. I am again taking up the matter of Dr. Rosselli’s desire for a commission with the U.S. Army Reserve, and as soon as I hear from them, I will again be in touch with you“. - Der Brief vom 1.4.1953: „With further reference to Dr. William F. Rosselli, I am enclosing a copy of a letter I received from Major General Hugh M. Milton, Department of the Army. You will e pleased to note, I am sure, General Milton points out if Dr.

Rosselli is available for active duty immediately, there is the possibility that he can obtain a commission in the field of his choice, and states to whom he should write to follow through. […]“ Beiliegt: Korrespondenz von Dr. Rosselli mit Richard Kelley diesselbe Angelegenheit betreffend. 12 pp..

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Kennedy, John F.

Ms. Brief m. e. U.
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John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), US-President. Typed Letter Signed as President, on green White House letterhead, Washington, February 9, 1962. “...I want to thank you for the role you played in making the Conferences a success. I feel the Conferences were a unique experiment in which Federal, State and local officials communicated directly and understandingly with each other and with the people of America. The exchange of ideas stimulated by the Conferences will enable our nation to move forward at an increased rate toward its goal of a more bountiful life for all the people. I was most gratified by the response to the Regional Conferences...” – Kennedy sought to improve the lives of the American people, and he articulated the issues to be tackled. “We have a steadily rising population. We have the problem of maintaining high employment. We want education for our children. We want our families to live in decent housing. We want to keep our employment steadily growing, and to take advantage of the millions of young men and women who are coming into the labor market everywhere. And we want to provide security for our older citizens.” In November 1961, he called a set of innovative White House Regional Conferences, both to obtain ideas on measures and methods to attain these goals, and to ensure that the government in Washington remained close to the people at home. Representatives of various Federal agencies and departments traveled to major cities to talk to informed and interested citizens about the difficulties they faced, and what government might do help solve their problems. Governor Brown played an active role in the San Francisco and Los Angeles conferences.

Kennedy, John F.

Gedr. Menükarte mit eigenh. U. sowie vier weiteren Unterschriften.
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Kennedy, John F.

Gedr. Menükarte mit eigenh. U. sowie vier weiteren Unterschriften.
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Kennedy, John F.

Handwritten Manuscript Possibly Relating to 1951 Speech.
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Kennedy, John F.

Maschinenschriftlicher Brief mit eigenhändigem Zusatz und Unterschrift „John“.
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Kennedy, John F.

Maschinenschriftlicher Brief mit eigenhändigem Zusatz und Unterschrift.
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