Thus Freud did not see his mother naked between the age of 2 and 2½, but precisely when he was three and a half (S. 17). Freud's difficulty in expressing his angry emotions was that he could not make them literaturfähig, not literarisch-historisch (S. 25). Prof. Putnam was not present at the first Psa Congress (S. 35); the only one he ever attended was the second. Freud's Eisenbahnangst, which you say was not neurotic, was certainly neurotic and could lead to fainting fits in the railway station [...] No one who knew Freud personally would ever have thought of him as either melancholisch or a Grobianus. He had excellent social manners and a constantly cheerful temperament to the end of his life. He once referred to himself as a 'cheerful pessimist', but he explained carefully that what people meant by pessimist was realist: a sceptic who doubted the practicability of achieving idealistic visions (such as the communist one) [...]". - On stationery with printed address..