britischer Schriftsteller (1894-1963). Eigenh. Manuskript. ohne Ort und Datum. 4to. 1 p. Faltspuren.
$ 4,715 / 4.500 €
„Relative to poetry | Poetry I have read. | The Poetic Principle etc. Poe vol 4. works. In defense of Harriet Shelley […]“ Auflistung verschiedener Werke und Namen von Dichtern, die Huxley bei einer Lesung verwendet hatte.
Schriftsteller (1894-1963). 2 (1 autogr. and 1 typed) letters signed. Florence. Large 8vo. Altogether (1+1½ =) 2½ pp. on 2 ff.
$ 2,096 / 2.000 €
To the Italian writer and journalist Ugo Ojetti (1871-1946): "[...] Briefly, then, this is the reason of my letter. Having been much struck by the completeness, and compactness of your Atlante dell'Arte Italiana, I suggested to my publishers in London (Chatto and Windus) that they should produce an English version. They shared my view of the book's great merits and wrote to the Italian publishers asking them to quote a price for the use of the plates to produce the illustrations for an English edition [...]". - The second letter discusses further details.
Lettre autographe signée.
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Beautiful letter to Jean Cocteau (in French): “My dear friend, on my return from England, where I spent several months, I found your `Essai de Critique Indirecte`. I thank you for your donation. It really touched me, that you thought about me. When reading it, I can hear every moment – and with much joy - your voice. If you come to Toulon this summer, please remember this address […]" (transl.). - Aldous Huxleys famous novel “Le meilleur des Mondes” was published in 1932.