Dag Hammarskjöld

Hammarskjöld, Dag

Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen. Kurz nach seinem Tod wurde ihm der Friedensnobelpreis zugesprochen. (1905-1961). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. Unterschrift. New York Secretary-General. 4to. 1 p. Printed letterhead.
$ 1,012 / 950 € (87871)

Als Sekretär der United Nations an den Meet the Press program founder Lawrence E. Spivak: „Many thanks for your letter of 24 April which reached me on my return from the Middle East. I am grateful for your kind words of appreciation on the results of my mission, and I do share your hope that this beginning may ultimately bear fruit. I appreciate very much your suggestion to go before your audience. My feeling is, however, that it would not be wise for me to make, at the present moment, further public reports on the situation in the Middle East. […]“

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Hammarskjöld, Dag

Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen. Kurz nach seinem Tod wurde ihm der Friedensnobelpreis zugesprochen. (1905-1961). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. Unterschrift. New York Secretary-General. 4to. 1 p. Printed letterhead.
$ 852 / 800 € (87930)

Als Sekretär der United Nations an die Opernsängerin Bidu Sayao: „May I express to you our deep appreciation for your acceptance of our invitation to appear at Headquarters on 9 September on the occasion of our annual reception to the United Nations Secretariat. Your presence is enthusiastically anticipated by members of the Secretariat from sixty nations. I should deem it a privilege also if you would join me at a private dinner for our distinguished guests at six. […]“

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