Daniel Halévy

Halévy, Daniel

French historian and essayist (1872-1962). 1 autograph letter signed, 4 autograph postcards signed, and 1 postcard signed. Paris and Jouy-en-Josas [postmark]. 12mo and postcard format. Together 6 pp.
$ 332 / 320 € (88780/BN58673)

Correspondence with his friend and publisher Maurice Delamain at Librairie Stock, mostly concerning mutual invitations. - In a letter from 17 June 1947, Halévy announces sending "his pages" to an employee of Librairie Stock, which was probably in connection with the 1948 publication "La vie de Proudhon". - The final postcard, dated 26 March 1957, in which Halévy asks Delamain whether he wants to join a meeting with the professor of German studies Maurice Boucher, is written in a secretarial hand, apparently due to Halévy's deteriorating eyesight.

The signature is spidery, and Delamain notes, "signature devenu aveugle". - The letter from 1947 stamped by Stock. Occasional stains and some browning..

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