Ludwig Habicht

Habicht, Ludwig

Schriftsteller (1830-1908). Eigenh. Brief mit U. Amalfi. 31.01.1881. 1 S. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo.
$ 150 / 140 € (937046/BN937046)

"As I just learned today from a close friend, a work of mine was incorporated in the book 'Jahreszeiten des Waidmanns' [transl. 'Seasons of the Huntsman'], published by your company, without ever having asked for my consent. It presumably concerned my small narrative 'Auf der Jagd' [transl. 'On the Hunt'], and as I can't and don't want to assume that an honourable company such as your own would like to be charged with unauthorized reprint, I ask for a subsequent remuneration of 50 Mark to compensate for the matter. Sincerely yours very devoted Ludwig Habicht. Hotel Luna".

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