Charles Greville

Greville, Charles

English civil servant, diarist and cricketer (1794-1865). Autograph letter signed. Downham. 8vo. 1½ pp. on bifolium.
$ 367 / 350 € (92276/BN61321)

To "William", concerning travel plans and Lady Emily Berkeley's recent death: "I prefer going into Derbyshire after the Hampton meeting (the end of next week) & returning to town the end of Nov. or beginning of Dec. I was surprised to hear of Lady Emily Berkeley's death, because I had heard she was recovered. I go to Easton on Wed. & to Newmarket on Sunday [...]". - Greville served the three successive sovereigns George IV, William IV and Victoria as Clerk of the Council in Ordinary. His meticulous journals, which he kept during the reigns of George IV and William IV, extending from 1817 to 1837, were published according to his directions almost ten years after his death.

- Traces of old mounting on the verso; a tear due to opening of a lost seal..

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