Paul Gravollet

Gravollet, Paul

playwright and poet (1863-1936). 13 autograph letters signed and autograph postcard signed. Paris, Rue Singer. (Oblong) 8vo. Ca. 27 pp. on 23 ff.
$ 883 / 850 € (91741/BN61065)

To the music publishers Henri Heugel and his nephew Paul-Émile Chevalier (1861-1931), as well as to various contributing composers, concerning the publication of "La Chanson des enfants" - poems by Gravollet set to music by Jules Massenet, J. Faure, Ch. Hess, Ch. Levadé, E. Pessard, P. Puget, P. Vidal, Ch.-M. Widor, A. Wormser (1902). - The postcard of December 14th, to Chevalier, contains news from Venice regarding Levadé, who is going to send his tune soon: "Je reçois à l'instant un mot de M.

Levadé, daté de Venise, m'annonçant l'envoi de sa mélodie (vous savez que par son traité avec la maison Enochi il peut ou doit mes livrer quelques œuvres) [...]". - Another letter to Chevalier contains questions on the sum (100 or 125 francs) and time of payment for the composers and the poet, about a verbal agreement with Heugel, and a misunderstanding that needs to be settled: "Monsieur Massenet qui m'avait envoyer à votre maison d'édition, en septembre, après une visite à Monsieur Fauré, j'ai été vous en demander l'assurance dans les termes les plus nets [...]". In additional letters of December 14th, Gravollet pursues the issue, specifying the composers, and wonders why Chevalier did not notice his mistake. - On December 15th, he inquires about permission to publish with a different publishing house and asks for Heugel & Cie's decision whether to publish a series or not. - On December 18th, two letters to Heugel. Gravollet asks for assurances: "Je vous serais donc fort obligé de me fixer [...]". In the second letter Gravollet explains his need for fixed terms. - On December 21st, he again asks for a definitive decision. - On December 26th, Gravollet announces to collect manuscripts by Hess and Widor; Lavadé has permission from Enochi to publish some of his tunes with Heugel & Cie. - On December 31st, Gravollet asks whether he should pick up compositions from Massenet and Fauré. - A letter of January 1st, to Heugel, contains thanks for help to sort out an issue: "Vous avez bien voulu me promettre votre appui, Monsieur Heugel, Je vois bien que sans cet appui, je ne reussirai pas à sorter d'embarras! [...]". - A second and third letter dating January 1st, to either Massenet or Fauré: "J'espère en votre bonté et en votre générosité [...] Il faut au moins que votre mélodie soit encore inédite au ménestrel [...]". - The final letter from January 5th contains thanks for sending copies of the compositions by Massenet and Fauré. - "La Chanson des enfants" was published by J. Hamelle in 1902. The same year, an extract under the title "Un Petit Enfant!" with the music of J. Fauré was published at Heugel & Cie. - Each letter with collection stamp of the "Archives Ménestrel". Slight dust- and fingerstaining, some light stains due to humidity and foxing to the margins..

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