Maxim Gorki

Russian author, 1868-1936

Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, known as Maxim Gorky, was a founder of the socialist realism literary method, political activist and five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Prior to his renown as an author, he frequently changed jobs and roamed across the Russian Empire; these experiences would later influence his writing. Active in the emerging Marxist social-democratic movement, Gorky opposed the Tsarist regime, and for a time closely associated himself with Vladimir Lenin. For a significant part of his life, he was exiled from Russia and later the Soviet Union. In 1932, he returned to the USSR on Joseph Stalin's personal invitation.

Source: Wikipedia

Gorky, Maxim

d. i. Alexei Maximowitsch Peschkow, Schriftsteller (1868-1936). Typed letter signed ("M. Gorky"). no place, Oct. 28, 1921 (28.X. 21 is written at lower left). Folio. 1 page. Onion skin paper.
$ 13,091 / 12.500 € (60453)

To "Dear Sirs" saying "the most valuable treasure of humanity is its intellectual force, its scientific experiment [...] and the most precious men in the world are the men of science [...]". He calls attention to the desperate plight of Russian scientists who are literally dying of hunger because the Soviet Government has no money and cannot pay them for their work. He pleads for flour, grain, beans, fats and sugar and asks for help in printing the works of Russian scientists, since there is no paper or technical means in Russia.

"America would bring a great gift to the cause of humanity [...] For you, citizen of the richest of countries who know how to execute immense industrial undertakings, - - this task should be such an easy one [...]". - Numerous penciled notes and several chips..

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Gorky, Maxim

Russian writer (1868-1963). Autograph letter signed. N. p. 4to. 1 page. In Russian.
$ 8,902 / 8.500 € (86128/BN57039)

To an author named Anna Nikolayevna, concerning the possible publication of the novel "Dawns" in Gorky's Parus publishing house. Expecting the rejection of the unfinished manuscript, Gorky advises her either to finish the novel or to turn its prologue into an independent short story: "I asked the editorial staff whether I can send them the manuscript of the prologue to the novel for review and they answered me that this would be useless if the piece is still not finished. I asked about it because, in its current form, they would have surely returned your manuscript, which I wanted to avoid.

I have reread the prologue once again and I advise you the following: do not send 'Dawns' anywhere unless you finish the whole piece or turn the prologue into a separate short story" (transl.). - In a short postscript, Gorky refers Anna Nikolayevna to an editor: "At 'Parus' you have to write to Belousov (I hope that I got the surname right, but I think I did), his name is Ivan Nikolayevich". - Maxim Gorky founded Parus together with Alexander Tikhonov and I. P. Ladyzhnikov in 1915 in order to publish the monthly literary review "Letopis" (1915-17), the daily "Novaïa jizn" (1915-18), and books that opposed Russia's involvement in World War I and the war in general. "Letopis" was social-democratically oriented and thus in opposition to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Among its contributors were such important authors as Alexander Bogdanov, Ivan Bunin, Anatole France, Lev Kamenev, Alexandra Kollontai, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Romain Rolland, and H. G. Wells. Although the recipient has not yet been identified, the letter can be dated with respect to 'Parus', which only existed from 1915 to 1918. - Somewhat spotty. Full transcription of the Russian original available..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph letter signed ("A. Peshkov") . [Postmark Nizhny Novgorod. 4to. 1 page. With autogr. envelope. In Russian.
$ 9,949 / 9.500 € (87112/BN57537)

To the Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov, asking to be allowed to make a copy of Vasentsov's "Virgin and Child" and mentioning a visit with Chekhov: "A friend of mine who has recently buried his wife would like to place in a chapel above her grave a copy of your 'Madonna and Child'. Be so kind as to tell me - is it possible to copy it? Could you possibly recommend one of your students, a person who is more able than the others to convey the beauty and soul of the original? How much, approximately, would such a copy cost - a copy the size of a human height or a bit smaller? Also, can a painting in oil retain its original integrity in a cold chapel? For answer to all of the questions - two of which are foolish, I presume - I will come to you around the 26th or 27th, and most definitely with Anton Pavlovich [Chekhov] [...]" (transl.).

- Viktor Vasnetsov was a celebrated artist, particularly for mythological and historical subjects. In his later career he was responsible for a number of fresco cycles in churches, including in St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Warsaw. Only two letters from Gorky to Vasenetsov are known. - In perfect condition..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph letter signed ("M. Gorky"). [Moscow. 4to. 1 p. on bifolium. In Russian. Also bearing a translation of the letter into French in the hand of Sophia Andreyeva (1 p.).
$ 8,902 / 8.500 € (87113/BN57538)

To the American bibliophile James Carleton Young, who had offered to purchase a manuscript of Gorky's: "You once proposed that I sell you one of my manuscripts for your library. Today I am offering you the manuscript of my play, 'Children of the Sun', written during my imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress in St Petersburg. The money you give me for this manuscript will be employed for the work of delivering my people who are sinking under their political burden. It is not proper for me, Sir, to set the price: I ask you to do so according to your opinion, for my intention is to ask you to help me [...]" (transl.).

- Gorky provides his address at 4 Vozdvizhenka Street, Moscow, where he lived in furnished rooms at the Peterhof Hotel in 1905. James Carleton Young (1856-1918) was a celebrated American collector; his collection was sold at auction by Anderson Galleries in New York, 1916. - Provenance: Heritage auction, 14 October 2010, lot 34174. Some slight damage to edges, otherwise in fine condition..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph manuscript signed (in Cyrillic, "M. Gorky") Berlin. 4to. ¾ page. In German.
$ 6,807 / 6.500 € (87114/BN57539)

Addressed to the editor of a newspaper, Gorky's statement repudiates remarks that have been attributed to him in various newspapers: "From Maxim Gorki, who is staying in Berlin at present for a short time, we have received the following note: / Allow me, dear editor, the polite communication that the interviews with me which have appeared in various journals are to be considered as apocryphal, and that I can in no way assume responsibility for their content. My current state of health does not allow me to undertake conversations with gentlemen of the press; I will however not fail to accede to your wishes as soon as I have the strength to do so" (transl.).

- Disenchanted with Lenin's regime and suffering from tuberculosis, Gorky had left Russia in September 1921, initially staying in Berlin; ultimately he was to settle in Sorrento, with an extended household which now included Moura Budberg, his secretary and lover. - Provenance: Sotheby's, 25 May 1983; Heritage, 6 April 2016, lot 49152..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph letter signed ("A. Peshkov"). Sorrento. 4to. ¾ page. In Russian.
$ 6,807 / 6.500 € (87115/BN57540)

To Solomon Gitmanovich Kaplun: "I am sending a letter to V. F. Khodasevich which was requested to be published in Beseda. I am asking you to advance me money against the fee for my 'Book about Blok' and all five children's books. M. I. [i.e. Moura Budberg] said that I received not a single letter from you over the entire summer. You replied that letters had been sent to me and that you had copies of them. Since I am still awaiting the reply to questions I asked you, perhaps you will send me the copies of your letters.

I will not discuss how surprised I am at your attitude towards me". - S. G. Kaplun (1891-1940) was a journalist and publisher, the owner of the Berlin publishing house "Epoch" and from 1922 to 1925 the publisher of Gorky's literary and scientific journal "Beseda". - Left margin with punched holes (not touching text). Provenance: Hermitage auction, Monaco, 25 April 2019, lot 306..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph letter signed. Sorrento. 4to (277 x 222 mm). 1 page on squared paper. In Russian.
$ 4,713 / 4.500 € (87116/BN57541)

To the Russian journalist Solomon Gitmanovich Kaplun (1891-1940), discussing plans for the next issue of their periodical "Beseda", including works by Ivanov, Khodasevich and the Romanian author Panait Istrati: "I am returning the proofs of my story and 'The snake'. The order: / Story of the unusual / 'The trip' / 'The snake'. But Vyach[eslav] Ivanov will send on similar terms his operetta: will there be enough space for me, [or] will that make the issue too expensive? I wrote to Ivanov to talk to you about the conditions to be negotiated.

'Codine' is a very long piece and will require some cutting. Make a note of both stories by [Upton] Sinclair, and tomorrow I will send you Galsworthy, a small item. / [Vladislav] Khodasevich will be here between 4 and 10 October; he has some poems. / I am suffering with agonising colitis, and this disturbs my life extraordinarily. / For me to be able to cut the over-long 'Codine', I absolutely must have the beginning [...]". - "Codine" was a novel by the Romanian writer Panait Istrati (1884-1935), known as "the Gorky of the Balkans". The recipient, S. G. Kaplun, was a journalist and publisher, owner of the Berlin publishing house "Epoch" and publisher with Gorky of the literary and scientific periodical "Beseda" from 1922 to 1925. - Left margin with punched holes (slightly touching text); some slight damage to edges. Provenance: Hermitage Auction, 25 April 2019, lot 307..

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Gorky, Maxim

i. e. Alexei Maximovitch Peshkov, Russian writer (1868-1936). Autograph letter signed ("A. Peshkov"). Villa il Sorito, Sorrento. 4to (277 x 213 mm). 1 p. on squared paper. In Russian.
$ 5,760 / 5.500 € (87117/BN57542)

A furious letter to the Russian journalist Solomon Gitmanovich [Kaplun], complaining of Kaplun's failure to write to him: "Sending you two more sonnets of Vyacheslav Ivanov; you have to place these according to the instructions of the author - these are included. Please send the proofs to V.I. [i.e. Ivanov], do not forget! In conformity with your unpleasant habits, you are not replying to my letters, and having sent manuscripts to you I find myself constantly in a state of dismal unawareness, whether you have received them or not.

The very least you could do is to ask someone to put one word on a postcard and send it to me: one word: 'received' or two words: 'everything arrived'. If Maria Ignatievna [Budberg] has not yet left for the border states, ask her not to forget about me. How are things with the 6th and 7th issues [i.e. of Beseda]? You are not deaf-mute, are you? (Quotation from Mayakovsky) [...]". - The recipient, S. G. Kaplun (1891-1940), was a journalist and publisher, owner of the Berlin publishing house "Epoch", and publisher of Gorky's literary and scientific journal Beseda from 1922 to 1925. Maria Ignatievna ("Moura") Budberg (1892-1974) was Gorky's secretary and lover, and later became a notorious double-agent. - Left margin with punched holes (not touching text). Provenance: Hermitage Auction, Monaco, 6 July 2019, lot 370..

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