irischer Schriftsteller (1896–1987). Eigenh. Brief mit U. Dublin. 2 SS. 4to.
$ 105 / 100 €
Monk Gibbon (1896–1987), irischer Schriftsteller. E. Brief mit U. Dublin, 6. November 1975. 2 Seiten 4°. – An den Autographensammler Otmar Meisel in Hamburg: „I am an enthusiast myself and am delighted to get a letter from a fellow-enthusiast (especially when his enthusiasm in this occasion is for my own poems!)[.] No, boksellers are not excited by the mention of my name, since my books go out of print – and likely may appear in catalogues for as much as £16. I am sending you a present of two more recent ones and there you will find a list of my published work since 1928, which will show you that I have not been idle […]”.