French writer and critic (1859-1931). 3 autograph letters signed and 1 autograph letter card signed. Paris, Monte Carlo, and n. p. Various formats. Together 4½ pp.
$ 891 / 850 €
Correspondence with the playwright and poet Maurice Pottecher, stretching at least from 1893 to 1920. The earliest dateable part of the correspondence is a short letter, wherein Willy addresses Pottecher as "Baron" and asks him to publish "some lines" on his 1893 novel "Bains des sons" in L'Écho de Paris. Incidentally, 1893 was the year of Willy's wedding with Colette. - In the lettercard from 13 January 1901, Willy thanks Pottecher for a review of his 1900 publication "Le Mariage de Louis XV" in La République.
- On 10 September 1920, Willy wrote a long personal letter from Monte Carlo, recounting his "banal and basely comic" misadventures travelling there, and asking Pottecher to send him his latest publication "Les joyeux Contes de la cigogne d'Alsace et autres bien honnêtes histoires" (Paris 1920), ideally before his "puncture, which will be soon". - An undated letter of condolence completes the collection. - The lettercard on stationery with printed address. The letter from Monte Carlo on stationery of the "Hotel Villa des Fleurs". - Minor browning and minimally stained..