Catherine Gaskin

Gaskin, Catherine

Irish writer (1929-2009) who later lived in Australia. Typed letter signed. New York. 4to. 1 p. Printed address.
$ 830 / 800 € (93095)

Biographically significant letter to Mr. Johnansen: „It was wonderful to get your most kind letter. I assure you there isn’t an author in the whole world who doesn’t like to know that his work has given pleasure and entertainment. It is indeed a reward for all the long lonely hours of sitting at a typewriter, often wondering if what one has to say is of any value at all. Thank you very much. Now I must aks your forgiveness for having taken so long to reply. Your letter arrived while I was engaged in the final chapters of a book -- and at times like that, ony the most necessary correspondance is attended to -- and sometimes not even that.

Since the book was finished I have been travelling a good deal, and am only now back in New York, taking up the pieces of normal live again. […]“ - With a holograph postscript: „Congratulations on your English! I wish that I were as fluent in another language.“ - In 1960 she finished Corporation Wife..

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Gaskin, Catherine

irische Schriftstellerin (1929-2009). Album leaf inscribed and signed. O. O. u. D. 1 S. 128 x 41 mm.
$ 83 / 80 € (47824/BN32810)

"-with all good wishes".

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