Joseph Gallieni

Gallieni, Joseph

French general (1849-1916). Autograph calling card signed. Paris. 11.08.1914. Calling card format. 1½ pp.
$ 192 / 180 € (85891/BN56566)

To the inventor Édouard Belin, promising to forward a letter, possibly to the military governor of Paris: "Certainem[en]t, mon cher Monsieur Belin, vous pourrez rendre les Etat-Major jovial. Meilleurs [...] et je m'empresse de transmettre votre lettre au Gouv. [?] de Paris, en disant qui vous étes et ce que vous voulez". - Only a few weeks after Gallieni wrote this message, he was reactivated from retirement and was made military governor of Paris. In this function he organized the defense of Paris and contributed to the French victory in the First Battle of the Marne in September 1914.

To send reinforcements to the Marne front, Gallieni famously requisitioned all Parisian cabs, although the majority of the troops was moved by train. From 29 October 1915 Gallieni served as Minister of War in the cabinet of Aristide Briand. His dismissal from the government in March 1916 was provoked by his public criticism of the performance of general Joseph Joffre at the Battle of Verdun. - With traces of former mounting. Duststained..

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