Edward VIII.

Edward VIII.

König von England später Duke of Windsor, hier als Prince of Wales (1894-1972). Eigenh. Brief mit U. "In the train from Christiana to Calais". 4 SS. auf Doppelblatt. In Bleistift. 8vo. In Kuvert mit rotem Lacksiegel (Prince of Wales's feathers). Mit drei verso eh. beschrifteten Originalphotographien (102:78 bzw. 78:102 mm).
$ 2,785 / 2.500 € (87130/BN57557)

Als 19-Jähriger an Sub-Lieut. Philipp Harlock, R.N., H.M.S. "Duke of Edinburgh", I Cruiser Squad, Mediterranean Fleet (Malta), mit einem ausführlichen Bericht über seine Reise nach Norwegen: "I spent some time in Christiana, a fine town on a fjord, then spent some days in a small wooden house in the hills above the town, which my uncle has. There I starting skiing & its by far the best fun I know and marvellous exercise. I got into it fairly soon [...] One day I went to watch some of that ski jumping: a wonderful sight.

Then later I spent 4 days at Finse [...] it is very wild, with no vegitation [!] and we had 36° F of frost one day!! I made 4 long trips on ski, altogether going 130 kilometers. Two of the days were fine & two we had blizzard so that I got all weather conditions. I enclose some photos I took which may amuse you [...]". Die genannten Photos sind auf der Verso-Seite beschrieben mit "Ski jumping ground"; "View from Finse" und "The old guide with tame rein deer". - Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. (aber durchgestrichener) Adresse "Christian VIII Palais Amalienborg"..

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