Themistokles von Eckenbrecher

Eckenbrecher, Themistokles von

Maler (1842-1921). Eigenh. Albumblatt mit U. Berlin. 25.08.1916. 3 Zeilen. Qu.-8vo.
$ 199 / 180 € (82224/BN53207)

"'Sein Schicksal schafft sich selbst der Mann.' [...]". - Mit Spuren alter Faltung und Montage verso.

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Eckenbrecher, Themistokles von

German painter (1842-1921). Autograph quotation signed. Berlin. 12.09.1917. Oblong 8vo (postcard). ½ page.
$ 199 / 180 € (84362/BN54866)

Inscribed to the German dermatologist Alwin Scharlau: "'Sein Schicksal schafft sich selbst der Mann.' [...]". - A landscape and marine painter of late Romanticism and Historicism, Eckenbrecher was foremost inspired by his travels through Europe and the Middle East, as well as Africa and the Philippines. He was a member of the Düsseldorf artists' association "Malkasten" and won first prize at the 1879 Sydney World Fair. - With a fingerprint, likely by the artist himself. Self-addressed by the collector on the reverse. The Mecklenburg physician Scharlau (b. 1888) assembled a collection of artists' autographs by personal application.

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