French painter (1885-1941). Autograph letter signed. No place. 4to. 2 pp.
$ 8,758 / 8.500 €
To the German art critic and writer Carl Einstein, discussing "art simultané" and the aesthetic revolution of the 1910s, as well as the works of his wife Sonia. Delaunay writes that he received Einstein's letter; he replies in eight numbered points, mentioning drawings of Paris as well as the notes of the Spanish essayist and poet Guillermo de Torre on "simultanéisme", which he would like to revise, as he considers it absolutely necessary to resist the infamous reaction of those who started the revolution in the 1910s and have now returned to neo-Grecian, Rococo, neo-Baroque or even faux Chaldean styles, which reveal a spirit of decadence and decay in people's minds: "Il faut absolument combattre cette infâme réaction de ceux qui commencèrent la révolution de 1910-11-12-13-14 - qui reviennent au néo-grec - au rococo - au néo Barocco etc - ou au faux chaldéen [...] Il y a actuellement dans les esprits un esprit de décadence, de pourriture et de décomposition.