Jean-Baptiste Charcot

Charcot, Jean-Baptiste

scientist, physician and polar explorer (1867-1936). Autograph letter signed. Saint-Servan-sur-mer. 4to. 1 p. Mourning border. Expected folds.
$ 1,278 / 1.200 € (93468)

To his sister. Charcot is upset not to have received an invitation for December 15. He mentions possible jealousies: „cela expliquerait bien des choses [...] il est certain que beaucoup d'officiers de la marine sont jaloux de moi, mais tout de même j'ai de bon amis dans ce corps […]“

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Charcot, Jean-Baptiste

scientist, physician and polar explorer (1867-1936). Autograph letter signed. no place. 8vo. 3 pp.
$ 1,598 / 1.500 € (93469)

To his sister: „Il y parle de son entretien avec l'amiral Durand-Viel, chef d'État major général, avec qui il parle de la mission et surtout qu'il faut récompenser ce que Charcot répond « qu'aucun rapport ou élément ne m'avait été remis me permettant de juger de la valeur des résultats et que seule la commission polaire pouvait et devait juger. Que par contre le « Pollux » et son commandant Mailloux avaient admirablement remplis leur rôle ». Il explique ensuite avoir donné une conférence à l'Académie des Sciences qui a été un véritable succès.

Ensuite il explique partir si le temps le permet « Je partirai jeudi avec le « Pourquoi pas ? » au lancement du nouveau bateau océanographique. Ça sera un coup de théâtre ». He talks about his meeting with Admiral Durand-Viel, Chief of General Staff, with whom he discusses the mission and, above all, the need to reward it. Charcot responds, 'No report or element had been submitted to me to judge the value of the results, and only the polar commission could and should judge. On the other hand, the 'Pollux' and its commander Mailloux had admirably fulfilled their role.' He then explains that he gave a lecture at the Academy of Sciences, which was a real success. Afterward, he explains that he will leave if the weather permits, 'I will leave on Thursday with the 'Pourquoi pas ?' for the launch of the new oceanographic boat. It will be a theatrical event.'".

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Charcot, Jean-Baptiste

scientist, physician and polar explorer (1867-1936). Autograph letter signed. Saint-Servan-sur-mer. 4to. 1 1/2 pp.
$ 1,598 / 1.500 € (93470)

Letter to his sister: "I am going through days of concern and increased activity. The 'Pourquoi pas?' has been lifted and dry-docked in the small bay where it needs to be repaired. Leaving La Passagère, I can see it on the other side of the Rance, but it's quite a journey to get there. The place is delightful and most picturesque, especially with the magnificent weather we've thankfully had for the past two days. However, the inspectors from Raft Veritas insist, so that they can examine it, that a part of it be demolished, and I tremble not only in fear that they might find something serious but also in the fear that the required work exceeds my budget.

On Monday the 25th, C.A.D. in 4 days, the inspector from Caen will come and begin his examination. I no longer know when I will be able to come and until when I will be obliged to stay here. I even foresee, during the months of repairs, the obligation to travel from Paris to the shipyard, which is neither easy nor enjoyable. My entire existence depends on this boat, both my work and my financial situation.".

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