Carmen Sylva

Queen of Romania, 1843-1916

"Elisabeth of Wied first met Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen in Berlin in 1861. In 1869, Karl, who was now Prince Carol of Romania, traveled to Germany in search of a suitable consort. He was reunited with Elisabeth, and the two were married in 1869. Early distinguished by her excellence as a musician, and painter; but a lively poetic imagination led her to the path of literature, and more especially to poetry, folk-lore and ballads. She took on the literary name ""Carmen Sylva"" publishing her earliest poems""Sappho"" and ""Hammerstein"" which appeared at Leipzig in 1880. Several of the her works were written in collaboration with Mite Kremnitz, one of her maids of honor."


Carmen Sylva

Königin von Griechenland (1894-1956). Eigenh. Briefkuvert. ohne Ort. 32mo. 1 p.
$ 102 / 100 € (88056)

An Baronin Emmy von Dincklege-Campe in Singen adressiert. In altem Sammlungsumschlag.

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Carmen Sylva

Pseud. für Elisabeth, Königin von Rumänien (1843-1916). 2 autograph letters signed and 3 typed letters signed ("Schwesterli" oder "Elisabeth"). Schloß Pelesch und Bukarest. Zusammen 23 SS. auf 13 Bll. 4to und qu.-8vo. Mit zahlreichen Beilagen (siehe unten).
$ 6,629 / 6.500 € (33058/BN27823)

To her brother William, Prince of Wied (1845-1907) and his wife Marie, née von Nassau, Princess of the Netherlands (1841-1910). Comprehensive letters that provide an insight into the feelings and thoughts of the Queen consort of Romania and also provide a wealth of information from the European aristocracy and the political events of that time. - Accompanied by 8 original portrait photographs (calling card format) of Queen Elizabeth and her little daughter, who died at the age of 4 years, and 33 mostly autograph letters, postcards, etc.

(altogether 102¾ pp. on 64 ff.) from the estate of Elizabeth's sister in law, Marie, Princess of Wied, born Princess of the Netherlands (1841-1910), including letters of her husband William and other relatives of Marie, more noble and diplomatic correspondence files, a "compilation of expenditure for her Royal Highness, Princess of Wied, Princess of the Netherlands, for the fourth quarter of 1892 ", a letter-fragment with a view of Pelesch Castle, and an engraved portrait of the royal couple (inscribed by Elizabeth on the reverse). - Overall, a wealth of valuable material on the history of Romania, Queen Elizabeth and her family from the houses Wied and Nassau..

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Carmen Sylva

Queen consort of Romania and wife of King Carol I of Romania, poetess (1843-1916). Kleine Andachten für Segenhaus. O. O. Eigenh. Ms. auf Papier, mit dem silbergeprägten bekrönten Initialzeichen Elisabeths auf jedem zweiten Blatt. 3 Bll., 400 SS., 4 Bll. Deutsche Handschrift auf Papier , durchweg von Elisabeth in großer, kalligraphischer Fraktur eigenhändig beschrieben. Präc.
$ 25,495 / 25.000 € (45142/BN31223)

Elisabeth I of Romania, chiefly known under her pen name "Carmen Sylva", probably composed these devotional texts during a protracted stay in Italy and with her mother in Segenhaus (Neuwied, Rhineland-Palatinate) during the years 1882/83. The 21 devotions were first published in 1888 in Romanian (as "Cuvinte Sufletesti", "Words of the Soul"); a German edition appeared in Bonn in 1900 as "Seelengespräche". The Queen drew up this present fair copy specially for her mother and dedicated it to her, bound in a luxury binding, for her 59th birthday: "Meiner Mutter, meinem Religionslehrer und Vorbild auf dem Erdengange" ("To my mother, my religious instructor and role model throughout my life", f.

2). - Velvet binding shows signs of age in places, but is only very slightly rubbed. Silver edges are oxydized; wants a headband. The paper is unstained and immaculately white..

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Carmen Sylva

Pseud. für Elisabeth, Königin von Rumänien (1843-1916). Eigenh. Briefkarte mit U. ("Elisabeth"). O. O. u. D. 1 S. Qu.-8vo. Auf Trägerpapier montiert.
$ 459 / 450 € (940560/BN940560)

"Frau Dr. Pollatzek | der lieben heimlichen Dichterin ein Gruß von unbewußten Dichtern. Tiefste & großartigste Volkspoesie!" - Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Briefkopf.

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Carmen Sylva

Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Widmung.
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