John Aitken Carlyle

Carlyle, John Aitken

jüngerer Bruder des schottischen Historikers und Essayisten Thomas Carlyle, Arzt und Schriftsteller, Dante-Übersetzer (1801-1879). Eigenh. Brief m. U. "Carlyle". Chelsea. 21/2 S. 8vo.
$ 370 / 350 € (48439)

Interessanter politischer Brief an den preußischen Gesandten in London, Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen (1791-1860), den er mit "my dear friend" anredet und dem er für dessen "pamphlet" dankt. "... I was angry at first on reading Disreali's speech but soon felt that such a mixture of the Shylock & the old clothes shop could do no permanent harm to any one but himself. His books & his speeches in parliament have made all reasonable men in this country sufficiently acquainted with his character.

- I liked your mild & effectual answer to that rude Danish letter in the Times of yesterday, & also the statement signed 'a German'; & I think there is a good prospect of speedy reaction even in the Times itself. I believe there is no country in the world where people have so impugned a love of fair play & so hearty a hatred of blustering as in England ...". - Bunsen war bemüht, in London die deutschen Interessen in Schleswig-Holstein zu vertreten, unterzeichnete aber 1852 doch das "Londoner Protokoll", das letztlich die Ansprüche der dänischen Krone auf die Herzogtümer bekräftigte..

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