Ricciardi Francesco de Camaldoli

Camaldoli, Ricciardi Francesco de

Italian lawyer and politician (1758-1842). Letter signed. Naples. 1½ pp. on bifolium. 8vo. With autograph address.
$ 481 / 450 € (87203/BN57654)

To the French nobleman Adrien de Gasparin in Paris with thanks for transmitted works by Adrien himself and by his son Agénor de Gasparin, requesting an additional copy of a work on Sicilian agriculture for the editor-in-chief of the "Ephemerides Sicilienne", and with greetings to Adrien's daughter-in-law, the writer Valérie de Gasparin (née Bossier): "Je tacherai de profiter de lumieres que vous aurez repandu sur matieres de grandes interét. Puisque vous poussez votre obligeance jusque a me promettre un autre volume de vos memoires, je vous prie d'y ajouter un autre exemplaire du memoire sur l'agriculture de la Sicile, que je me propose d'envoyer au principal redacteur des ephemerides Siciliennes [...]".

- Slight brownstaining with residue of a seal and a tear due to opening the letter..

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