American novelist, Nobel Prize Winner (1892-1973). Typed letter signed. Perkasie, Pennsylvania. Folio. 2 pp. Printed letterhead. $ 2,568 / 2.500 € (94559)
To the famous radio presenter Mary Margaret MacBride (1899-1976): „I promised you I’d write you about the meeting for the Open Door and how it turned out […] When we started the Open Door last Spring, we thought in terms of individual cases primarily - that Open Door would be a place where anybody could go and get help, if he was suffering from discrimination […] But the individual cases were slow to come, and yet we know that there must be such cases. We investigated and found that colored people especially - the Open Door exists for all kinds of discrimination - felt it was hopeless to complain individually, that great groups were organized against them, and so complaints came in from organizations […] The rabbis were especially fine.
One of the rabbis said we should not wait for cases to come to us, but must go out and find out where discrimination is going on and get to work on it […] I’d like to ask if you would let Ruth Smith, the grand girl at the head of the Open Door, come and meet you and feel your interest […]“ - Today, Pearl Buck is known for her efforts at welcome House and her career as a bestselling author. But her fight for equal rights is an important example we can all learn from - when Pearl Buck spoke out about injustice at the height of her international popularity..
American novelist, Nobel Prize Winner (1892-1973). Autograph letter (fragment). [London]. 8vo. 1 page. $ 565 / 550 € (88831/BN58726)
To the writer Jacques Bouteilleau, alias Jacques Chardonne, of the Paris publishing house Éditions Stock, with thanks for his invitation and about a business trip to Europe: "Thank you for your kind letter of the fourteenth, which reached me today. I should be happy to accept the invitations contained therein for September twenty fifth and twenty sixth. My son, Edgar Walsh, accompanies me on this journey [...]. The purpose of coming to Europe at this time is to arrange for the filming of my novel, Imperial Woman, and the production of my play, Desert Incident, in England [...]". - On headed stationery of the London Savoy Hotel. Fragment; slightly creased.
Autograph Manuscript, unsigned, working draft of her short story, "Enough for a Lifetime,". Autograph ist nicht mehr verfügbar