Blanc, Louis
French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). 1 autograph letter and 4 autograph letters signed. Brighton, Paris & Bellevue. 8vo. (4+2+4+1+1 =) 12 pp. on 5 bifolia and 1 single leaf. - Includes: contract (4to, 4 pp. on bifolium). - 2 autograph letters signed by Albert Lacroix: 8vo (1½+1 =) 2½ pp. on 1 single leaf and 1 bifolium. - 1 letter signed by Anatole de la Forge: 4to, 1½.
$ 7,251 / 6.500 €
I. To an unidentified friend (19 Dec. 1865), reflecting on Lachâtre's proposal for a History of Paris in 10 volumes. This should not be a slovenly work of three or six months, and Blanc's way of working, his "literary religion", too, makes it a hard task. Blanc does not like to be tied up for such a long time, and he is afraid of missing documents: "1° Il n'y a pas à parler d'un volume bâclé en trois mois, ou même en six. Mon habitude de faire les choses consciencieusement et, si je puis ainsi parler, ma religion littéraire m'interdisent cet espoir; c'est donc une lourde tâche à entreprendre; 2° Je répugne à me lier les mains d'avance pour un laps de temps aussi considérable; 3° Je crains de manquer de documents [...]".
Blanc also mentions that he has to finish a "Histoire des salons" for Lacroix by October 1866. - II. Possibly to Maurice Lachâtre (30 Dec. 1867), sharing the recipient's satisfaction: "Cette satisfaction, je la partage, ne désirant rien tant que de voir se répandre parmi le peuple des vérités historiques qu'on n'a que trop réussi à mettre sous le boisseau, et comptant pour cela sur cette science de la publicité que vous possédez [...]". - III. To (the unnamed) Lachâtre (31 Dec. 1867), refusing the proposal of a library edition and of an edition format Charpentier, because the proposed price is "humiliant" ("humiliating"). For the illustrated edition, Blanc accepts a low price, and he transmits his brother's fair comment on the engravings which are done in a spirit completely contrary to the book: "Mon frère m'écrit que beaucoup des gravures qui sont en votre possession ont été inspirées par un esprit tout contraire à celui dans lequel mon livre a été écrit [...]". - IV. To (the unnamed) Lachâtre (8 Feb. 1873): Blanc had not been given Lachâtre's dossier and does not know about the expenses for the recipient, and asks whether he could be of any help: "Puis-je vous être utile? De quelle manière? [...]". - V. To (the unnamed) Lachâtre (9 Aug. 1880) about Félix Pyat. Although Pyat was not always fair to Blanc, Blanc has not forgotten that Pyat accompanied him to the railroad when, in 1848, Blanc opened the road of exile for the republicans, therefore Blanc is delighted by Pyat's return for which he, Blanc, had striven: "Quoique Félix Pyat n'ait pas toujours été juste envers moi, je n'ai pas oublié qu'il fut un de ceux qui m'accompagnèrent au chemin de fer, lorsqu'en 1848 j'ouvris aux républicains la route de l'exil; et je me réjouis fort de son retour, auquel j'ai travaillé de mon mieux [...]". - Includes a contract between Louis Blanc and Albert Lacroix (30 Nov. and 4 Dec. 1868) for the copyright transfer for using "L'Histoire de la Révolution française" with reserve clause for the popular illustrated edition published by Maurice Lachâtre, and the copyright transfer for Blanc's "Lettres sur l'Angleterre". - Also, 2 autograph letters signed by Albert Lacroix, to Louis Blanc (19 Jan. 1869) with an answer to Blanc's complaint concerning the Belgian edition of "L'Histoire de la Révolution francaise", and to M. Hédouin (5 Dec. 1873), both with tears and creases. - Also, a letter signed (draft), a partly autograph minute, by Louis Blanc to the Ministry of Interior (24 Feb. 1879), to ban the Belgian edition in France, as it had been pirated. - Includes a letter signed by the Ministry of Interior's Head of press, Anatole de La Forge, to Louis Blanc (29 April 1879), informing him of the precautions taken to ban the Belgian edition in France. - Also, a "Note pour mon excellent ami Maurice Lachâtre", summarizing the history of the contracts between Blanc and Lacroix and recording the sale of pirated editions by the library Marpon. - Also, an addressed envelope and a contract of cession of the ownership of the illustrated editions of "L'Histoire de la Révolution" from Maurice Lachâtre to M.lle Aurélie Genre (25 April 1887, bought back 4 Jan. 1899)..