William Blackwood

Blackwood, William

publisher (1776-1834). Autograph letter signed. [Edinburgh] ("Princes Street"). 8vo. 1 page. Mounted on slightly larger backing paper.
$ 267 / 240 € (90449/BN60151)

In work matters: "I send you some MSS of Mr Gillies' and a vol. of the Devil's Elixir. Be so good as calculate how many pages they will make printed in the same way as the Devil's Elixir. If you have time I would be obliged to you to call on me with the calculation [...]". - At the age of 14 Blackwood was apprenticed to a firm of booksellers in Edinburgh, and he followed his calling also in Glasgow and London for several years. Returning to Edinburgh in 1804, he opened a shop in South Bridge Street and gradually drifted into publishing on his own account, moving to Princes Street in 1816.

He was the founder of "Blackwood's Magazine", a Tory-supporting miscellany, originally called the "Edinburgh Monthly Magazine". - Slight brownstaining with residue of glue and a collector's note to backing paper..

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