I am very happy to think that I have friends in a country, which I love and admire more than I can express. There is hope that I may come to Paris in Spring and if my plans realize, I'll write you in time. It is very exciting for me to think that I should be received in Paris not just as a tourist like before and I will be most happy to thank you personally for all you have done for my books [...]" (o. O., 26. XII. 1936). Auf Briefpapier mit gedr. Namenszug. - An denselben mit Bedauern, ihn in Paris verpasst zu haben, über ihren kranken Sohn, der nun in London von einem Spezialisten behandelt werde, über die französische Ausgabe ihres Werkes "Liebe und Tod auf Bali" mit der Bitte ihrer Freundin, der Schauspielerin Djemil Anik (1888-1980), ein Exemplar zu schicken, und mit der Ankündigung des Bestsellers "Hotel Shanghai": "I was terribly disappointed to have missed you in Paris [...] I myself had a very troubled year because my older son has been so very ill. As a matter of fact, I am staying in London now to have a certain specialist take care of him and there is hope now that he will recover [...] I will be very anxious to know whether my French readers will like the Bali book. Will you be so very kind and send one copy to my friend Djemil Anik [...] She was in Bali with me and she is very impatient to read the book. Meanwhile I have finished a very long book which will be published in September, 'Shanghai '37' and I [am] wondering whether you will like it [...]" (London, 3. V. [1939]). - Beide Briefe mit Stempel der Librairie Stock in Paris. Der Brief von 1936 mit einer Rostspur und Quetschfalte; jener von 1939 mit kleinen Randläsuren..