Baring, Maurice
British writer (1874-1945). 5 autograph letters signed and one autograph letter. Rottingdean, Paris, London, and no place. 4to and 8vo. Together 8 pp. on 8 ff. (one with autograph address on verso). In French.
$ 723 / 650 €
Interesting correspondence with the Paris publishing house Editions Stock. - Asking the publisher to send the proofs of a French edition of one of his works to his home in Rottingdean, not expecting any errors, but anticipating that he as the author might be of help to the translator: "Parfaitement les épreuves en placard à Half-Way House Rottingdean [...] Je ne crains pas d'erreur. Mais souvent l'auteur peut être utile au traducteur en suggérant certaines petites choses [...]" ([Rottingdean], 23 July 1932).
- Not having reached Stock via telephone as he had called too late, Baring announces he will try again the following day, mentioning that he did not get a room at the Hotel Matignon but stays at the Hotel Bristol instead: "J'ai tout de suite téléphoné mais étant déjà 6.15 le téléphone était fermé. Je retéléphone demain matin. Je repars Lundi matin. Il n'y avait pas de place à l'Hôtel Matignon. Je suis au Bristol [...]" (Paris, 17 March 1929). - About looking for a collection of English love letters, mentioning that some of his friends are already involved in the search, and hoping to provide results soon: "Je suis en train de tâcher de vous trouver un receuil de lettres d'amour en anglais. Je n'ai rien trouvé encore - mais j'ai des amis qui cherchent. J'espère pouvoir vous trouver ce qu'il vous faut [...]" (Rottingdean, 31 May 1932). - To Jacques Boutelleau about a portrait Watt mailed him with the request to return it, encouraging him not even to think about complying with that request: "Je trouve en arrivant à Londres une lettre de Watt me disant qu'il vous a expédié le portrait que vous désirez avec prière de le rendre. Il doit être fou. Ne songez pas à le rendre [...]" (3, Gray's Inn Square [London], 21 May 1929). - The remaining letters contain a short autobiography and bibliography, also mentioning his joy over a "little book" of his being published. - 6 leaves with stamps of the Librairie Stock, 5 with printed address of Half-Way House, Rottingdean. A few small rust spots..