Pierre Léandre Hippolyte Barbedette

Barbedette, Pierre Léandre Hippolyte

politician, music critic and composer (1827-1901). 7 autograph letters signed, 3 autograph letter cards signed, and 1 autograph telegram card signed. ("L. Barbedette", "H. Barbedette"). Paris, La Rochelle, and no place. (Oblong) 8vo. Ca. 10½ pp. on 14 ll. The telegram with autograph address.
$ 536 / 500 € (91734/BN61057)

Correspondence mostly to the music publisher Henri Heugel on the expectation or reception of concert tickets as Barbedette wrote music critics for "Le Ménestrel". - The letter, dated 9. IX. 1878, to director Heugel with thanks for tickets for the Théatre du Châtelet, with an assessment of the première of the oratorio "Le Paradis perdu" of Théodore Dubois and about the discrepancy between music and words: "Mais la musique m'a semblé manquer de couleur, les mélodies gracieuses [...]". - The short letter, dated 23.

VIII. 1883, to a friend, with announcement of his, Barbedette's, return: "Je suis de retour, ne m'oubliez pas pour les concerts. Quand Gluck présentera-t-il [...]". - The letter of 5. II. 1890 to director Heugel with a recommendation for the violinist Jeanne Meyer, and about an exchange of tickets for Châtelet: "Je m'intéresse à Madame Jeanne Meyer qui est une violoniste de talent [...]". - The letter card of 20. X. (no year) to a director with the request for inserting a brief article from the Baden "Badeblatt" about violinist Jeanne Meyer: "Je vous serais bien reconnaissant d'insérer ce petit entrefilet qui concerne mon excellente amie, Madame Jeanne Meyer, et que je tire d'un des derniers numéros du Badblatt de Bade [...]". - The letter of 16. I. 1892 with astonishment that the receipt of a ticket from "Le Ménestrel", for a concert of Colonne Orchestra, had not worked for the first time in twenty years: "Je n'ai pas reçu les billets du Ménestrel pour Colonne [...]". - The letter card of 2. XI. 1892 to a director, asking which of the concerts, of Lamoureux or Colonne, he, Barbedette, should attend: "Je suis arrivé hier soir: où sois-je aller dimanche prochaine? [...]". - The letter of 17. IV. 1899 to a director on a missed concert of Colonne Orchestra and therefore he, Barbedette, could not offer a report on it: "J'ai donc manqué le Concert du 16, et suis donc l'impossibilité de vous faire un compte rendu [...]". - The letter of 16. V. 1899 to a director, with the request for a ticket of 100 francs and "not too bad seat" for Charles Lamoureux' concerts, and noting a review of the concert of his friend White: "Si vous voulez bien m'envoyer un billet de 100 f., pour mes 2 abonnements Lamoureux [...] ne me mettez pas en trop mauvaise place [...]". - The letter of 22. X. 1896 to a director, noting which concerts of Lamoureux he, Barbedette, would be able to attend: "J'ai prix aux Concerts Lamoureux un abonnement Série B [...]". - The telegram to Heugel, not having received concert tickets of Colonne Orchestra: "Je n'ai pas encore reçu les Billets pour le Concert de colonne de demain [...]". - Five letters and three letter cards with printed letterhead "Sénat", two letters with printed letter head "Chambre des Députés". Each letter and card with collection stamp of the "Archives Ménestrel". The letter of 1883 with a noted "B" in blue pencil. Some pieces with slight brown and dust staining..

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