Giovanni Aldini

Italian physicist, 1762-1834

His scientific work was chiefly concerned with galvanism, anatomy and its medical applications, with the construction and illumination of lighthouses, and with experiments for preserving human life and material objects from destruction by fire. ldini's most famous public demonstration of the electro-stimulation technique of deceased limbs was performed on the executed criminal George Forster at Newgate in London in 1803. In recognition of his merits, the emperor of Austria made him a knight of the Iron Crown and a councillor of state at Milan.

Source: Wikipedia

Aldini, Giovanni

Physiker (1762-1834). Autograph letter signed ("Aldini"). Mailand. 18.06.1808. 2½ SS. auf Doppelblatt. 4to.
$ 1,020 / 1.000 € (32192/BN23071)

A rather indignant letter to a colleague, written in his capacity as city council, expressing his displeasure that a report drafted by him had found no support in the Council: "[...] L'ultimo affare andò gavi matina con approvazione della seduta del consiglio Generali, benché fosse stato il solo nel quale il mio rapporto non aveva avutto il suffraggio del Consiglio degli Uditori. Feci inserire nel processo verbale il mio dissenso, e appoggiato dal Ministero del Culto, da Guicciardi, e da Contarini feci vedere a miei stessi colleghi che bisognava rispettare le mie opinioni.

L'affare era legale, e senza quei vostri maledetti stracci sostenni, e vinsi la causa come potrete essere informato in detaglio dal Giudice Bellentani a cui ne scrivo, poiché me l'aveva vivamente raccomandata [...] credo che non vadi niente della vostra convenienza col ripetere mia petizione colla quale chiederete il disputo dell' affare, accennando che vi sono fondi appositi pur il noto pagamento, e che non c'è bisogno di rescrivere al Prefetto. Mandatemi la petizione per la posta per profittare del momento. Parlai al Generale Polfranneschi del Giandame Ferrari, e rimase sorpreso della condotta del Colonello Zanini, promettendo nuovamente, che non emergendo notizie in contrario, avrebbe anche a mio riguardo avuto in tutta considerazione la sua istanza [...]". - Slight clipped section on f. 2 due to broken seal (not touching text)..

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Aldini, Giovanni

Italian physicist (1762-1834). Autograph letter signed. Bologna. 4to. 2 pp.
$ 1,836 / 1.800 € (87213/BN57664)

In French, to a fellow member of a learned society, probably the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, announcing that he will finally send tables of the population of Bologna and its surroundings. Aldini points to the recent appointment of his elder brother, Count Antonio Aldini, as first minister of the newly formed Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy as the right occasion "to accomplish my duty". - In an interesting "political note" that Aldini adds in Italian for "more clarity", he draws a connection between the Catholic jubilee years in Italy and a rise in birth rates, arguing that the forced closure of theatres and the lack of public spectacles "invite immorality". - Well preserved.

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