amerik. Sozialreformerin u. Frauenrechtlerin, gründete
1915 die "Women's Peace Party", Friedensnobelpreis 1931 (1860-1935). ALS. Chicago. Gr.-8vo. 1 Seite. Gedruckter Briefkopf „Hull House“.
$ 1,058 / 950 €
To Mrs. Ball: „[…] I always admired your husband’s fine character and ability. He was a great asset to the cine life of Chicago and we are all greatful to him […]“ - Addams was a pioneer American settlement social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women's suffrage and world peace. In an era when presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson identified themselves as reformers and social activists, Addams was one of the most prominent reformers of the Progressive Era.