Jews in Germany in 1945

Jews in Germany in 1945

Typed letter unsigned, marked „Copy“. Stuttgart. 4to. 2 pp. Folded.
1.500 € (91212)

Typed letter to Mr. Evisinson by Sgt. Eric Stern from the U.S. Army: „This is the first chance I have to write to you since last Wednesday. although I was very eager to write to you as soon as possible after my short trip to Cologne. Conditions for German Jews in Cologne are desperate and somthing MUST be done about them. I say specifically Germn Jews, beaucse Jews of other countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Rumania, etc. are cared for to a certain extent by UNRRA in whose camps they live. Their food supply is far from good, but it is satisfactory and they at least have the basic necessities. This is not the case for German JEWS.

They were repatriated from various concentration camps by UNRRA, who fed them and transported them to their original home-towns. In the American zone, Jews and half-Jews have slight advantages over German population. They get additional food, clothing and fuel. Their homes are returned to them, furniture is taken from Nazis where necessary. Their property, or the remains, thereof, will eventually be returned to them. Besides, the Military Government is sympathetic towards them. Many Jews in the U.S. Army do their best to help them, provide courier service for them with America, get their mail and packages. Also, the American Joint Distribution Committee has its offices in Frankfurt and representatives in other US occupied cities. In spite of all these efforts, the German Jews have a hard time of it, as in many instances they are on a par with the German population, and are by them treated as Jews, jus tlike before the end of Hitler. […]“.

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