Armstrong, Neil
US-amerikanischer Testpilot und Astronaut. Er war Kommandant von Apollo 11, die mit Buzz Aldrin und Michael Collins zum Mond flog. Am 21. Juli 1969 betrat er als erster Mensch den Mond (1930-2012). 3 ms. Briefe mit eigenh. Unterschrift (2x „Neil Armstrong“, 1x „Neil“). Lebanon. 4to. 3 pp. Gedr. Briefkopf. Kuverts.
8.500 €
An „Gerda v. Nussink“, die ihm wegen einer zu vermachenden Erbschaft schrieb „In a word, I have a considerable fortune and no heir“: 1. „I must admit that I have never received such a request before, and I have given the matter a good deal of thought prior to replying. First I must thank you for what is, most assuredly, a most significant honor. To place your estate in the hands of one you do not know except by reputation expresses a measure of esteem that is unique in a world fulll of extraordinary happenings.
I am honored to aceept. You indicated that you regard my work as important, and I believe that to be true also. Nevertheless, I would hope to see that the inheritance is used in a manner consistent with your highest ideals and hopes. Of course, I would be pleased to use a Trust or other legal mechanism to assure that result […]“ - 2. „[…] I received your kind letter with mixed emotions. My own mother is in the hospital with what appears to be a heart attack, and I have been spending a good bit of time with her, accounting for the unseemly delay in this response. It is neither my wish nor my intention to intervene between you and any of your family members. I believe I am obligated to exempt myself from advising you under the circumstances you quote. The decisions you have before you are, and should properly be, yours alone […]“ - 3. „[…] Congratulations on your wonderful hoax. It was carefully craftet and convincingly prestented with just enough imperfections to add to its believability. The proceeds from this current project will no doubt increase the burden of managing your estate. Inasmuch as your actuarial longevity has increased substantially, I want you to know that I have abandoned you and remain ready to assist you with disbursing your assets now, while you cleary have the mental ability to choose wisely. You have increased opportunities to make a difference within your lifetime. […]“- Der Schriftsteller Winfried Bornemann (geb. 1944) ist bekannt für Bücher mit seinen Juxbriefen an Unternehmen, Prominente und Behörden samt deren Antwortschreiben. Das erste Buch „Zu Schade … zum Wegradieren“, das er zusammen mit seinem Schwager verfasste, enthält neben humorvollen Zeichnungen nur wenige dieser Briefe. Für das Buch „Bornemanns lachende Erben“ (1985) schrieb Bornemann unter dem Pseudonym „Carola von Gaestern“ verschiedene Prominente an, um diesen das Erbe jener fiktiven Witwe eines reichen Unternehmers in Aussicht zu stellen. 1988 erschien sein Buch „Glanz & Gloria. Eine Brief-Aktion mit internationalen Stars“..