Karikaturist (1857-1933). "A Monsieur J. Paget". Autograph manuscript signed with numerous pen-and-ink drawings. O. O. Titel, signiertes Manuskriptblatt und 13 SS. Bildergeschichten in Federzeichnungen auf 15 Bll. Zeitgenöss. Leinenband mit goldgepr. Deckeltitel. Folio.
$ 9,954 / 9.500 €
The "éxemplaire unique" of Henri Maigrot, the important caricaturist and director of the satirical journal "Le Charivari". The album with its witty and well-executed croquis is dedicated to the author's former law professor J. Paget. It probably was compiled in preparation for publication in the "Journal Amusant". - Occasional slight brownstaining, otherwise fine.