Alberto Giacometti

Bildhauer, Maler und Grafiker, 1901-1966

Giacometti gehört zu den bedeutendsten Bildhauern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein Werk ist vom Kubismus, Surrealismus und den philosophischen Fragen um die condition humaine sowie vom Existentialismus und von der Phänomenologie beeinflusst. Sein Œuvre erzielt auf dem Kunstmarkt hohe Preise. In einer Auktion vom Februar 2010 erreichte „L’Homme qui marche I“ einen Rekordpreis. In einer Auktion bei Christie’s in New York im Mai 2015 wurde er noch übertroffen. Die bislang teuerste Skulptur ist nun sein Werk „L’Homme au doigt“, das für rund 141 Millionen Dollar im Mai 2015 den Besitzer wechselte, etwa 35 Millionen Dollar mehr als „L’Homme qui marche I“.

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Giacometti, Alberto

Suisse sculptor and painter (1901-1966). Autograph Letter Signed "Alberto." Paris. 8vo. 4 pp.
$ 7,855 / 7.500 € (81492)

In French and addressed to his childhood friend Alice Hirschfeld. A translation reads in full: "Excuse my too-long silence, since I arrived I have thought every day of writing to you. Events and a kind of general dejection have prevented me from sending you news of myself. In Zurich you were infinitely kind; the more I see you, the happier I am to see you again, and I am expressing myself very poorly. The first week here was very eventful, but at least something was happening! and now there is a rather concerning silence, which will not last very long probably.

I had to work constantly and I started some new sculptures that I am thinking of exhibiting this spring. Outside of that, this is a life terribly wasted, I am bored a lot and often, really want to get out of this state, which hasn't been better until just today; so you will have to forgive me for both the handwriting and the paper, which is not very pretty, but it's all they have at this cafe, and I would rather write to you today, no matter how, than not write to you at all, and while I write I feel better! But my mind is rather empty and I can't tell you anything interesting, nothing is happening anyway! I almost never go out during the day, and in the evening I meet up with friends, almost always the same ones. I have lost all contact with women, which doesn't make things better! I do not see them or find them anywhere, I do not know how long this state of affairs will go on! It's quite unpleasant and more than that. So I am working on a woman in plaster who will be seated on a sort of throne and will have marvelous eyes, with the head of a curious animal asleep on the side, that is just about all that really occupies me at the moment and that makes life more or less bearable, as I wait for who knows what! That's all the news! And you? Are you going to take off for Sicily? No? Do you often walk at the edge of this forest with your daughter? Have you also written some little stories in Italy? I am in a great hurry to mail this letter, it's not very brilliant, but it will be a sign that I often think of you with much warmth. / Will you write me someday?". Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) was a Swiss sculptor, famous for his human figures. Much of his work was influenced by Surrealism and Cubism. Condition: Flatted mail fold, with light creasing. Light toning. There is a small chip to right margin..


Giacometti, Alberto

Suisse sculptor and painter (1901-1966). 2 Autograph Postcards Signed „Alberto“ and „Alberto Giacometti“. New York and n.p.. 8vo. 2 pp.
$ 5,027 / 4.800 € (83300)

The first postcard shows the skyline of New York and the R.H.S. Queen Elizabeth crossing. The card is addressed to Jean Leymarie of the Musée National d’Art Moderne in Swizzerland. Annette Giacometti thanks for coming to the train and tells Leymarie about the beauty of the sea. „Alberto“ adds wishes. The second postcard shows Colico and a panorama view of the Lago di Como. „Amitiés Alberto Giacometti“. Alberto Giacometti lived and worked mainly in Paris but regularly visited his hometown Borgonovo in Swiss canton Graubünden, to see his family and work on his art.

During World War II, Giacometti took refuge in Switzerland. There, in 1946, he met Annette Arm. They married in 1949. After his marriage his tiny sculptures became larger, but the larger they grew, the thinner they became. For the remainder of Giacometti's life, Annette was his main female model. Giacometti's international success as an artist is illustrated by three retrospectives that took place in 1955. One of them in New York at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum..


Giacometti, Alberto

Suisse sculptor and painter (1901-1966). Autograph letter signed „Alberto“. Stampa. 4to. 1 p.
$ 5,760 / 5.500 € (93611)

Rare autograph letter to his friend Alice Hirschfeld, the sculptor describes impressions and the mood upon arriving in his homeland. „[…] Please also forgive me for my hasty departure right in the middle of the street to catch the tram! I arrived here, still tired enough to sleep for 14 hours! (yes, no less) and I only woke up today around noon, still a bit in slow motion. It's cold, unpleasant, and spring seems to be quite weak here, and the countryside looks rather deserted and dry; I don't know the words that would convey the right impression of it.

For me, it's actually quite pleasant, and you feel disconnected from the world, as far away as possible. I really want to walk around the village, towards the forest, along the road because I haven't seen anything yet. I also have a strong desire to work, and I think I'll start with that […]“ Giacometti (1901-1966) lived and worked primarily in Paris from 1922 onward, but regularly visited his hometown of Borgonovo in Stampa to see his family and work on his art..



Giacometti, Alberto

Autograph letter signed.
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Giacometti, Alberto

E. Brief mit U.
Autograph ist nicht mehr verfügbar

Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966), schweiz. Bildhauer und Maler. E. Brief m. U., „Alberto Giacometti”, o. O. u. D., 1 Seite gr.-8°. Doppelblatt. Bleistift. An einen Freund „Cher ami“, wegen eines Treffens: „[…] Il m’était impossible de venir hier à 11 heures et à matin, ce matin je ne me suis pas reveille j’ai travaillé, un qu’a 7 heures passée et maintenant ca m’est du matin trés déagreable de ne vous avoir pa vu. Le passe vous tante demain à 3 heures – 1/4, si vous ne pourez pas venir donnez moi rendevous pour quand vous voulez, moins l’aprés midi, je n’ose plus nen promettre pour le matin. […]“ – Autographen von Giacometti sind sehr selten.