Félix Galipaux

Galipaux, Félix

French actor and comedian (1860-1931). 5 autograph letters signed and 1 autograph visiting card. Paris and n. p. Various formats. Together 10 pp.
$ 464 / 450 € (88527/BN58389)

The earliest dated letters in this charming collection are both addressed to an impresario named Morel. In a letter from 3 October 1881, Galipaux refuses the financial conditions offered to him, providing a list of expenses and financial demands and pointing to his "triumphant first prize", his "engagement at the Palais Royal" and successful earlier collaborations in Amiens and Nantes to support his claims for better pay. On 22 December 1882, Galipaux writes Morel that he accepts "200 fcs and the travel expenses".

- In an undated letter to a M. Frantz, Galipaux informs the recipient that there are two tickets for a friend named Galimard for Galipaux' play "La Navette" at the Théâtre de la Renaissance, asking Frantz to send him "La Vie moderne" if a review of the show appears in the journal. - Again undated is a rather poetic and nostalgic letter to a close friend named Croze: "Le noir est triste, le blanc est gai. Je ne découvre pas les États Unis (par cette température, ça les enrhumerait) en osant risquer cette affirmation. Aujourd'hui, chacun éclaircit son appartement, partout on peint, ripolinise [!] ... blanc partout ! Comme aux dominos. Fini, le temps des rideaux, des tentures sombres tout au clair ! [...]". - In a letter from 2 January 1902 to a Mr. Gleize, Galipaux humorously discusses the play "L'étrange aventure", announcing his departure for Marseille, for a guest performance at the Théâtre des variétés, expecting bad weather: "Je pars demain pour Marseille Monte Carlo et compte sur la côte bleue : mistral, pluie, neige, gel... et tout l'aimable cortège... car j'ai vu parfois du soleil à Bruxelles en Janvier mais près de l'Italie... point ! - Je refoulerai notre cher asphalte parisien le 30 donc à partir de ce jour là mes oreilles, mon esprit (le peu que j'en ai) tout vous appartient [...]". - The letters to Morel on stationery with embossed letterhead. The letter to Croze on stationery with a lithographed caricature of Galipaux. The letter to Gleize on stationery of the "Joli-Théâtre" at the Musée Grévin. Minimal browning and occasional minor stains overall..
