Alexander Fleming

Bakteriologe, 1881-1955

"Alexander Fleming war einer der Entdecker des Antibiotikums Penicillin. Für seine Entdeckung wurde Fleming vielfach geehrt. 1944 wurde er geadelt, und 1945 bekam er zusammen mit Howard Walter Florey und Ernst Boris Chain, die seine Untersuchungen weitergeführt hatten, „für die Entdeckung des Penicillins und seiner heilenden Wirkung bei verschiedenen Infektionskrankheiten"" den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin. Außerdem entdeckte er das Lysozym, ein Enzym, das starke antibakterielle Eigenschaften aufweist und in verschiedenen Körpersekreten wie Tränen und Speichel vorkommt."

来源: Wikipedia

Fleming, Alexander

schott. Bakteriologe, Entdecker des Penicillin und Nobelpreisträger (1945). Eigenh. Unterschrift auf Briefausschnitt mit ms. Text „Yours sincerely,“. o. O. Quer-8vo. 1 p.
$ 711 / 650 € (81792)

Der saubere Namenszug „AFleming“ wurde einem Brief entnommen und auf ein größeres Albumblatt (quer-8vo.) geklebt.


Fleming, Alexander

schott. Bakteriologe, Entdecker des Penicillin und Nobelpreisträger (1945). Eigenh. Widmung und Unterschrift auf seinem gedr. Briefpapier. London. Paddington. 8vo. 1 p. Gedr. Briefkopf „The Wright-Fleming Institute of Microbiology“.
$ 1,312 / 1.200 € (81830)

„Here is your autograph | Alexander Fleming | 26/4/49“. Darunter ein Portrait des Wissenschaftlers montiert. Fleming studierte ab 1902 Medizin an der St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in Paddington. 1906 schloss er sein Studium ab, blieb aber weiterhin am Institut. Ab 1921 war er stellvertretender Leiter und ab 1946 Direktor des Instituts, das 1948 in Wright-Fleming-Institut umbenannt wurde. Von 1928 bis 1948 hatte er an der Londoner Universität den Lehrstuhl für Bakteriologie inne.


Fleming, Alexander

schott. Bakteriologe, Entdecker des Penicillin und Nobelpreisträger (1945). Maschinenschriftlicher Brief mit eigenhändiger Unterschrift. Paddington. 4to. 1 p. Gedruckter Briefkopf.
$ 7,106 / 6.500 € (83542)

Inhaltsreicher Brief an Dr. T. L. Story über Penicillin: „[…] As regards penicillin in colds. This is a tricky matter. It has no effect on the virus but then how many so called colds are due to virus. I think that many are simple bacterial infections and even then, if the virus is the primary infection most of the troubles after the first two days are due to the secondary bacterial infection. There can be no doubt that penicillin is effective on all these bacteria except Pfeiffer's bacillus and even some of these are sensitive.

In the past we have been very quiet about the use of penicillin as a 'cold cure.' There have been so many flops in that direction and as regards the extract from Lapin issued by Bristol and Co., this is just what I was afraid would happen. If this system does not develop fast organisms it would be excellent, but it would be a disaster if it bred out resistant races […] I suppose it would be necessary to give about 50,000 units of penicillin twice a day. This would be quite expensive. If you do anything like that I shall be very glad indeed to know the result. […]" Beiliegend: 1 Durchschlag von Dr. Storys-Brief an Fleming. 1 1/4 p., 4to, 30. Oktober 1947..


Fleming, Alexander

Scottish biologist and pharmacologist (1881-1955). Photograph Signed and Inscribed, "To Brian Knight / Alexander Fleming / 1949,". [London?]. 6¼x5 inches; remnants of prior mounting on verso.
$ 4,154 / 3.800 € (94567)

Photograph Signed and Inscribed, "To Brian Knight / Alexander Fleming / 1949," image showing a bust portrait drawing of him in lab coat and with silver hair. Signed in the image at bottom left. Label mounted to verso printed with heading: "Wright-Fleming Institute of Microbiology." Fleming (1881-1955) was a Scottish bacteriologist whose work led to his discovery of penicillin, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1945.


Fleming, Alexander

schottischer Biologe und Pharmakologe (1881-1955). Photograph signed. O. O. Silbergelatineabzug (Vintage). 200 x 160 mm. Unter Passepartout (ca. 310 x 260 mm), gerahmt (350 x 306 mm) und verglast, mit Metallplakette.
$ 7,106 / 6.500 € (88204/BN58009)

An appealing signed half-length portrait vintage photograph, circa 1950, showing Fleming seated and smoking a cigarette while signing a book on his knee. Signed "Alexander Fleming" in dark fountain pen ink across a white area of the image between his hands.



Fleming, Alexander

Autograph ist nicht mehr verfügbar

Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), Scottish bacteriologist and Nobel laureate 1945 "for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases". SP, 6.25 x 8.25 inch, n. p., 16th November 1953, Mounted to cardboard. Overall size: 10 x 13 inch. A three quarter pose of the scientist seated at a table with a microscope next to him. The about 70 years old Fleming is holding a cigarette in his right hand looking directly at the photographer’s lens.