French painter (1845-1930). Autograph letter signed. Paris. 8vo. 2½ pp. on bifolium.
$ 3,143 / 3.000 €
Interesting letter to a friend named Dorchain, probably the playwright Auguste Dorchain, asking him for support with Quentin Beauchard, a magistrate at the Ministry of Culture, ahead of the Paris Salon. Delacroix was hoping for the acquisition of his painting by the state and lobbied with Beauchard and other members of a ministerial commission: "J'attache la plus grande importance à son opinion qui, paraît-il, est préponderante au Conseil. Puis je continuerai mes démarches auprès des autres membres de la [...] Commission dite des B[eau]x Arts".
Another concern of Delacroix' was the presentation of his painting, which was good overall, although in a "somewhat dark hall": "Mon tableau est bien exposé, quoique dans une salle un peu sombre, il ne faut pas trop se plaindre". In a short postscript, Delacroix asks Dorchain to put in a good word for him with journalists. - Minimal foxing and browning..